Chapter 12.

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---> Dont Look Back. <---

Thanks everyone who comented! It means allot :] Enjoy.

Chapter 12.

My eyes were shut for dear life as people screamed and hollered..Everything went quiet as i heard a loud growl.. i knew it was coming but i didn't want to believe it. I stared at Vikki as she could barley keep her eyes open from blood lose. The words escaped my mouth before i could even stop my self..

"I love you.." I whispered as i lowered my head into her fur.

A gush of wind went by me and in front of me, i was to frightened to look up but i had to as i heard fighting in front of me. I looked up to see Vikki's father in wolf form on top of Zacks wolf form as they battled it out. I looked at Vikki as she laid motionless under me... My breathe hitched in my throat as i screamed loudly for help.

People ran over to me and pushed me out the way to get to Vikki, i watched in horror as they grabbed her wolf up and ran to the infirmary, i wanted to go but my feet wouldn't move... My body was hot with anger and wanted revenge.. not just for hurting Vikki but hurting someone that i cared about deep down.

I watched as the wolves battled it out in front of everyone, Growls rippled off the walls and fur was nastily on the floor as they clawed and chewed at each other.

"ZACK!" i yelled my fist balled to my side.

The wolf stopped and turned to me looking deadly. He didn't move or do anything he just stared at me with hate and despite, i was scared and terrified but i wasn't showing this wolf any fear.

"Look at what you did! You almost killed Vikki! and me! If you wanted to kill me so bad you should of ! You are pathetic! How dare you walk around here acting like your better than anyone, When we both no your not! Your scared of how people will really treat you if you put your guard down.. But... You need to stop acting all tough to impress people!!!" I yelled letting tears fall from my eyes out of anger.

All eyes were on me as i spoke.. Zack stood their staring at me.. no one moved or spoke.

Finally Zack changed form and stood naked in front of me with just boxers.

"You know nothing! Your a human who deserves nothing from us!! We are not protectors, We are wolves that protect our kind!" he snapped.

"Now nothing? I am nothing! Look at my life! it all was a lie! I might be a Vampire and i don't even now it! MY brother and his friends tried to kill me! So don't not tell me i know nothing!"

He stayed quiet and turned to leave but stopped to look at the Alpha.

"You are my Alpha but i will not be in this pack as long as you have human blood suckers living here." He turned and walked away leaving me their shocked that he left his family here because of me.

I grabbed onto my arm and frowned as people looked at me, some looked at me with shame but other looked at me like i was powerful and had courage...but over all i feel like shit.

The Alpha ran down the hall as i followed to where he was going, we ran into the infirmary as Vikki was lying their on the bed on a monitor looking dead but wasn't as it beeped slowly picking up her heart beat. I watched as her mother cried and held onto her hand, i watched in horror as the doctor was speaking quietly with the Alpha as he looked at his daughter and punched the wall in frustration.

He turned towards me and stalked towards me as his wife got up.

"You did this!!" He yelled.

"Honey stop" She whined.

"I-I didn't mean...-

"If you didn't show up or cause this, this wouldn't of happened, My daughter wouldn't be in a coma! Its all since you came here!" He snapped.

"Leave her alone! She didn't do anything, leave her alone and go cool off now!" The women snapped.

He stormed passed me as i stared in horror at Vikki's sleeping form. She looked pale and.. just not Vikki.

"Don't listen to him-

"I did do this.. If i just shut my mouth none of this would of happened..." I dropped to my knees and covered my face as tears escaped them.

Arms went around me and comfort me as i sat there and cried,

"What you did was stupid i must admit but what you did and how you shielded Vikki.. I thank you.. you saved her life and also showed us wolves that some humans have courage.."

"Courage? I have nothing like that.. I didn't mean any of this.." 

"Sweet child, you are special in so many ways to my daughter and i know things will work out.. They might start slow but they will begin to develop each day, you do have courage its in you heart." She smiled sweetly.

I looked at Vikki' sleeping figure and everything washed over me and all the things that i regretted.. I stood up and looked at her mother. 

"I want to learn everything about wolves...I want to be your daughters mate..I-I want to fight by her side even if it means to take things slow..."

Her mother stood up and smiled taking my hand. "I will teach you everthing about wolves and mates."

I took ahold of Vikki's hand and whispered a promise into her ear, " I will become strong for you and never leave your side.....Your Mine."

:] Woooo!. 

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