Chapter 39

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--> The Mark<--

Chapter 39:

We were all standing in the room looking at each other, I held onto a knife that binds us all together. Sara and Amy looked scared but tried pulling it off while looking brave. My wolf was excited but i was scared as all, If this works.. They will be one with me and I will have a pack.

"Will it hurt" David asked.

I shock my head. "It's like a pinch.. Kinda.."

"And drawls a little blood.." Kyle added.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes sighing. "Yes but.. Were Hybrids. We will heal Kyle."

He nodded as i looked at the other's they smiled as they all looked at me.

"Okay put your hands in the circle." 

One by one everyone was putting their hands in and looking at me closing their eyes.

I breathed out nervous. "I Alpha of Hybrids.. Am one with these people. My Beta."

"I accept Alpha." Jason smiled. I sliced at his hand and mine and grabbed his hand.

I felt his blood run in with mine and i could feel every thing he was feeling at this very moment. I smiled and i moved down to the next person who was Sara. Jason had his eyes closed and was waiting till the ceremony was finished.

Sara smiled and closed her eyes. I looked down at her and grabbed her hand. "Pack member's." She gasped lightly as i filled her head and Jason's was was there two. I moved too Johnny and David and Kyle as they closed their eyes one by one i slit there hand and bounded blood with them. Same goes with Carla and her husband as they were now one of my pack member's as well.

"And my warriors."

I moved to the two boys as they looked at me and closed their eyes. I learned there names were Fred and Donny." These two strongest wolves will fight by my side and fight for what's right" I slit there wrist and grabbed both of there hands as Fred gasped hearing the other's chatting in mind link.

"We are now all one.. We are now a pack.. The Night walker pack.." I howled a loud howl as other's joined in on the howl. 

I opened my eye's as mine were red and the other's were bright yellow/ red. I smirked and looked at the other's as they looked at their wrist shocked.

"Look a symbol." Amy smiled.

"What's it mean?" Jason asked.

I smiled and looked at the black symbol on my wrist that had a small diamond on mine.. but no other's.

"Aw you got your's jeweled. Not fair." Sara whined.

The other's laughed and looked at there mark examining it. 

"It means strength." Jason smiled.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"This whole pack.. It means Strength." 

"That's .. Awesome!" Amy yelled.

We all laughed as i smiled at my new mark. Finally i'm an Alpha to a pack and they accept it. Now all i need is to find my brother and the council and hopefully stop this madness and if they aren't will to cooperate.. If not than it's war.

"Melissa. I have a place not far from here that we can make our pack house. It's safe and hidden all i need is some money to fix it up and we are good." Carla's wife smiled.

"That's perfect." I smiled.

There was a huge explosion outside the hotel and had our room shaking. I looked out the window as a car was on fire and people were screaming and laying dead outside. "We have trouble. We need to leave now."

We all gathered our stuff and ran out the door and down the stair's, i stood next to Carla protecting her as we all ran to the car, We got Carla in as her husband and Sara got in. I looked around for clues. I heard Amy scream and it alerted me as she was in the arms of a man with a scary hood on. She looked so scared.

"Let her go."

"For what..."

"Let her go!"



The man laughed and cut her arm as he disappeared by the light coming from the car. I looked at Amy as Johnny ran over and grabbed her .

"Amy are you ok?" I asked.

She said nothing as she cried. I got into the truck putting her in the back with the other's as Jason got in the front and started the car.

As we drove away full speed people laid dead all around and i looked back and saw my brother smirking and holding a dead girl in his arms. My blood went cold as i looked at his deadly as can be.

"We have a problem!" Johnny yelled.

I looked back and Amy was shivering and white.. I put my hand on her arm and moved her sleeve up. The cut wasn't a cut.. It was black and spreading.

"That's not normal!" Carla yelled.

"Because it a poison.." Kyle said.

"Were is your pack doctor?"

"I haven't found him/her yet.." I looked at Amy with sorrow.

"We need to find one! She will die if you dont." 

I looked at the road and nodded. "I will drop you off at the pack house with money for food and supplies. Keep her alive and try everything you can do to help her. I'll look for the pack doctor, I will save Amy."

"and if you cant."

" I wont let another Hybrid die!" I yelled loudly.

They all stayed quiet as i looked at Jason who smiled.

" I will save Amy.. and when i find my brother.. I will shove a stake in his heart"

Woooo!! :D Check out the symbol on the side --->

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Poor Amy :[!

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