Chapter 50.

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---> God Save Me<----


Chapter 50:

I growled into the air .. I knew people heard me because it got very quiet and growls responded back as more damage and slamming accrued up stairs.
Kayla looked at me and frowned as she stood up with her friend who was really hurt and starving.

"Take her out of here.. It will get bloody and she is weak."

"I cant leave you. I will have her hide while i fight with you all. I need to stand for her behalf.."

I nodded and looked at the young girl. She must be a little older than Sara and Amy and they are upstairs fighting aswell. But thank god they wont get hurt because Johnny and Kyle are with them watching over them.

We hid the girl who i learned was Emma and a Hybrid . She hid in the closet that stored towels.
"Kayla.. I am scared."

"I will be back for you, scream of anything happens."

She nodded and shut the door as me and Kayla ran up the stairs . People stained the floor as i looked at what was happening in front of me. Not just my pack but Vikki's as well. Vampire's were laying dead while wolves were badly hurt. Violet made her way around seeing if she can help them as two people carried the injured out the house.

I looked for Vikki and didn't spot her at all, Kayla ran full speed onto a Vampire that was on top of Amy, Kayla ripped his heart out and looked at Amy as she nodded and ran to Johnny. I walked up the stairs past people as i tried looking for the one person who lied to me all my life. My brother.

As i walked past everyone i heard a scream as i ran towards the open room and walked in. It was dark but only a stupid video was playing. I looked around the room and nothing was there. I sighed and was about to walk out when i heard my name.

I turned and looked at the video. It was my brother... Well when he was younger, I watched as he ran towards me and i giggled with joy. I watched in horror as my parents came into view. My mother with her perfect blonde hair and my father built for any fight. But i didn't know who was filming it.. Which made me think and not want to turn away.

I could hear packs mate's growling and whining when hurt down stairs.. But for some reason i couldn't tare my eye's off the moving picture on the wall. I crossed my arm's and watched as my parents were now at a beach and my brother ran into the water, I didn't now where i was.. Another boy ran after my brother as my eye's went wide. I was no filming due to the giggling and color hair that was blowing.. But who was that boy with my brother.

"That little sister is our Older Brother." A voice came as i turned around.

My brother emerged from the corner and smiled, How did i not notice him before was beyond me.

"How.. and why did no one tell me?!" I snapped.

He sighed and sat on the couch glaring at me. "He was... Different."

"Different how?"

"Mother and Father kept him hidden from us so many years.. Do member people coming to our house?"

"People?" I asked watching him.

I didn't trust him.. But Michael told me.. and i trusted him after all he died for me.. God.. 

"Our brother.. William."

"William..." I sighed and rubbed my head as i was getting a strange headache.

"Your getting the same thing i had.. When i first found out." He rolled his eye's.

I looked at him weird, A big crash both made us jump as it was from down stairs. "I should just kill you.."

"Ah but, If you kill me how will you find out about William?"

He was right i was a little curious about my big brother and how he was captured by the council.. Everything was weird and i needed to know, If i killed him i wouldn't get any answer's. Sighing i nodded and sat on the other side of the couch. He took out a bottle and poured it into a glass. 

"William was bit. Bit by a werewolf. We were young and knew nothing. Mother and Father well.. They were different than us human's.. Well at the time human.. I mean look at us now." He yelled smiling taking a swig at his drink.

I growled as he looked up from the drink rolling his eye's. "Anyway...He was bit by an Alpha which makes him-

"An Alpha.. " I sighed and rubbed my hands together as they were sweaty.

"Exactly.. Our Parent's, Mother being a Hybrid and Father being a Vampire. Well these erased our memories... Because they didn't want us remembering him."

"How do you know all this? If our memories were erased how do you have your's back!" I snapped.

He poured more into his drink. "Because i knew something was fishy about my past and wanted to know so i being smart when to see a witch. She gave me my memory for something in return."


He rolled his eye's. "Don't worry about that." 

"Where is William?" I asked standing up as more banging came from down stairs.

He didn't answer as he stood up and two Vampire's came into the room as well. I growled warningly as they backed off and looked at Kevin. 

"The council took him right, We have to get him back."

He laughed and evil laugh and put his drink down moving towards the door.

"I'll back off for now with the war. Don't bother me and i wont bother you. The time will come when one of us kill's each other.. and baby sister.. It will be you."

I glared at him as Vikki and Jason ran to the door growling. I shook my head as they just stared confused."I will never lose to you.. Now tell me where i can find the Council to win back William."

He looked back at me and laughed. "Sweet heart, The Council didn't take him.. He is part of the Council."


( There will be a war so dont get too mad right now. We our finding stuff about her past.)

What you think of her brother William being a Council member!!! WOO Interesting?

Is Kevin lieing? Or is He telling the truth?

Coment below!

Who Can You Trust In This Pack. Coment.


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