Chapter 56.

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What do you think of Lucia after this chapter. Let me know :]

Chapter 56:

I stared shocked at Lucia.. She is Michael's mate.. I never knew he had a mate he was... Well not the type to actually have one the way he acted towards people the past days.

"I know shocking right. Yah.. Loved him dearly.. But he hid me away from the Council because they are after me but now they think i am long dead so i came out of hiding."

"Why were you in hiding." 

Jason relaxed and sat next to me on the bed still not sure about Lucia.

She laughed and smiled at me. "Because .. Im not like other's."

"Ya we noticed." Jason mumbled rolling his eye's.

I smirked and hit his arm as he just smirked back and looked up at a glaring Lucia. 

"It's men like you who die easily."

Jason stood up as i got in front of him. "Is that a threat."

"Take it as you will." She rolled her eye's and walked around the room.

I growled a warning as Vikki's mother grabbed Lucia as she sighed and apologized. "Anyway.. I can find people.. I can see things other wolves cant."

"A power.. " Jason laughed as i rolled my eye's.

"Your really getting on my bad side today wench." She snapped.

Jason growled and moved forward as i pushed him back looking at him he sighed and looked away at the window. "Enough you two. Okay."

"Whatever." Lucia rolled her eye's and picked up a picture of me and Vikki.

I walked up next to Lucia as she looked at me and pointed to the girl. I nodded as she nodded as well and focused on her. 

"Can you find her Lucia.."

"I can and i know exactly where to find her. I will bring her back.. One request i have." She smiled and went to the door.

"And that is.."

"I want to join this Pack.. "

"...Okay done." 

She rolled her eye's and went over towards me. "Oh and i saw my mate risked his life for yours.. One day you will do the same with you mate.."

She walked away as i stared at her black.. I will risk my life for Vikki... I looked over at Jason as he shrugged his shoulders an wrapped an arm around me as i sighed.. All we could do now.. Is wait and hope everything goe's well.

Like and coment :DD!!

Short i know.. Busy Busy!

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