Chapter 45.

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--> Even God Cant Help Us Now. <--

Chapter 45:

He came charging at me as Jason fought with Michael, But we all know Michael has no chance up against a Beta.. He is just trying to show off for Zack that's all he is doing. As he came at me a slashed his face with one swing of my arm i already has his cheek sliced open and him hissing in pain as he moved away from me and looked at the blood on his cheek. I smirked at him as he just growled.

"Melissa please stop.. You don't have a chance.." Vikki frowned sitting up.

"Well his cheek say's another ." I smirked at her.

She was worried about me, I couldn't blame her for being worried since she was my mate.

"You had a lucky swing little girl." Zack snapped.

"Luck? I don't have much of that lately." I rolled my eye's.

Zack came charging at me as i ducked her swiped at my side drawling blood as i growled loudly at him, It would heal but it still hurt like a bitch and blood went through my shirt onto my pants lightly. Vikki ran over to me looking at the wound and frowning. Her attention snapped to Zack as she growled.

"Leave her alone. Leave this pack alone! LEAVE NOW!" Vikki growled. Her eye's went red and i was shocked on how bright they were. I never seen her Alpha side and she seemed dangerous.. I liked it. 

"Ooh isn't Mrs. New Alpha trying to be all big and bad." Zack laughed.

"Vikki stop." Michael snapped holding his side and jaw that was badly banged up by Jason who only had barley had a scratch on him.

"No Michael! He hurt our mother! He rapped me while you watched! How can you stand by him!" She yelled crying.

"You know why! He threatened this pack and you'r lives."  Michael yelled.

"Dose'nt make you any better than her is.. He made you scared of him.. He made you weak." 

Michael looked at the ground and said nothing as he knew i was right and Vikki was too. Zack growled and hit Michael across the room as his head hit the hard part on the stairs.. He fell to the floor his head bleeding as he laid unconscious.

"MICHAEL!" Vikki yelled.

She ran toward's her brother as Zack slapped her sending her back towards me, i bent down and looked at her.

"Let him go please! Leave us be." She cried holding her cheek.

"You know i cant do that." He laughed..

He pulled out a knife and put it to Michael's throat as Vikki screamed. My eye's went wide as i looked at the blade and the unconscious Michael. 

"Enough. I go for a quick bite and your starting trouble " A voice came laughing.

I looked up and rose from my spot and growled loudly at the person who was walking down the stairs. The man's eyes met mine as his face lite up smirking..

"Baby sister.. Didn't know you would be here." Kevin smiled.

"Well i was just leaving." I looked at Jason as he moved towards Vikki and helped her up.

"Aw you were.. to think i missed you. God you have grown." He smiled stepping at the last step looking at Michael than at Zack as he slapped him across the face, Zack stood up looking at the ground.

"Didnt i tell you not to touch anyone without my go."  Kevin yelled lightly.

I rolled my eye's and looked at Kevin. "Let Vikki and her pack go."

He turned back towards me and smiled. "and what will i get.. In return." 

"What the hell do you want."

He smirked and stepped forward inches away from me.


"To bad."

"Fine. Let's fight. If i win.. You will return to this house and stay here. "

"and if you lose."

"IF i lose ." He laughed.

"You will leave me alone and never come looking for me or bothering anyone again.." I snapped.

He smiled and nodded sitting down in a chair watching me.

Fred and Donny were outside waiting for me, I could hear them mind linking me seeing if everything was okay. "Everyone.. If you wish to come with us and be free.. Than follow my Beta Jason and go to my pack where you are safe."

One by one people ran out the house running for the woods following Jason. I grabbed Vikki's hand as she looked at her brother. "Oh you cant have him sorry. He is mine."


He laughed and moved his sleeve up showing a mark.. A clan mark. 

"No MICHAEL!!" Vikki cried trying to reach him.

I pulled her back and whispered soothing words into her ear as she cried into my arms. I looked back at my brother and sighed walking out the door.

"Oh and don't forget little sister.. You owe me a fight. I will call."

I kept walking and ignored what he said and ran for the car and shut the door as i held onto Vikki as she cried. Jason pulled off driving, I looked back at the door wide open as Kevin stood their waving at me. I turned back around and looked down at my hand as it was shaking in fear...


Sorry for a short chapter! 

It was her brother! A++ For everyone who guessed that haha. But where oh Where is the Council??

How do you think the fight will go? Are you scared as much as Melissa is. 

Coment and like! :D <3

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