Chapter 6.

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Heey sorry for not being able to update. !
~this chapter goes out to people who support the gays!❤️~

Chapter 6:

I sat on the couch and stared at my brother questionably them at his friends as they sighed and watched the tv ignoring us.

He cleared his throat and lightly place his hand on my leg as i stared at his eyes with a worried expression.

"Melissa.. Uh we well , me.. I wasn't born human." He looked at my eyes for a expression which i showed none.

"What?" I laughed clutching my stomach as his friends turned to look at me like im crazy.

"Are you on drugs?" I laughed whipping my eyes and placed my hand on his head.
He grabbed my hand so fast i was stunned as he threw me across the room making me fall onto the floor.

"Dude!" His friend with the piercing green eyes yelled.

I stared up at my brother as i shock.. Kinda scared for y life.
"How did..."

"Im not human" he stated staring at my eyes.

His eyes went wide and look over at my leg. I was confused and tried to get up but felt a huge pain in my leg. I looked down to see a gash in my leg letting blood seep through my pants and on the floor.

"Melissa... Run.."

I looked at my brother and was about to say something in response when i noticed his friend getting into a position getting ready to pounce like i was a prey.. A animal ready to be killed.
I stared at my brother speechless as his blue eyes turned a piercing red.

I started to shake and ran up the stairs ignoring the horrible pain in my leg, i could hear fast movement from them as they chased after me . I swear i heard hissing.

I made may way into my room and slammed the door locking it, just as i locked it started the banging on the other side.

"Go away!!" I yelled crying as fear took over me.

Silence but more banging and shuffling.

I looked around my room and grabbed my old bat and waited for my life to end fast.. I didn't wanna die. I couldn't stop crying the tears kept falling. I turned and opened my window and screamed.. I screamed for her.


Ik ik short but i need to upload on my other books lol xD
Shout out to my babe viki c:
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