Chapter 53.

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--> Lost But Never Forgotten <--

Chapter 53.

The night was dark and seemed deadly... The star's brightened the sky but only seemed to vanish when i looked up to them for guidness. Everyone was gathered in my office or some in the living room waiting for me to give them a speech about how were safe.. When to me.. Where not, This is just the begining to our hell.

Jason was talking quietly to Kyle, David, and Fred. While Donny and Johnny tried calming people down in the living room. They tried telling them to go home and wait till moring people refused because the sake of their families and them selves.

"We need to assemble a search party." Jason said sighing.

"A search party that can end badly... Not being rude or disrespectful.. But how do we even know she is alive. Like jesus.. She was bleeding bad."

"Were not giving up on her because of this. She is your Alpha aswell." Jason snapped .

Kyle sighed and stood up. "Why should we risk our lives for her."

I stood up and stormed over to Kyle slapping him in the face so hard he almost fell over if it wasnt for David who was standing behind him.

"Dont you ever speak bad about Vikki!" I yelled as tears stained my face.

"I am just saying-

"Dont! What if this was Sara!! HUH!?"

He stayed quiet and straightened up looking at me, "But it isnt.."

"And if it was Kyle. You would do anything to get her back.. Why should my Mate be and different." I growled.

He looked away and nodded but said nothing again. David cleared his throat and rubbed my shoulder as i looked at him. "We will get her back."

I looked at him and Jason and frowned walking back to the window and nodding my head. This is what it feel's when you think someone is dead or even worse gone...

Amy walked in breathing heavy and sighed walking over to me hugging me. I smiled lightly and held her close, She was like a little sister and always made me feel like there is hope. Even if there wasnt much left.

"We will get her back." Amy smiled.

"Yah, She will be fine." Sara chimed in walking in.

"Not to interupt on everything but there is a reason i came in here with Sara.. Alpha the pack is worried about their Alpha Vikki, and our pack is worried for you, I think you should go out there and talk to them.."

I looked at her. "And say what, Everyone saw it.. She was nearly killed or has been."

"Dont talk like that." Sara snapped.

I looked at her as she frowned and walked away. I did feel awful for thinkning even one bit that my love was dead but who couldnt?

I sighed heavily." How can i talk to her pack and tell them their Alpha is fine when i cant feel her at all. Mates are supposed to feel each other aren't they?"

"Yah.. " Fred sighed .

"But I cannot.. Must that mean something . "

Everyone was quiet thinking all the same thing but no one wanted to say it was true.

I got up and walked out the room, i walked to where all the commotion was going on. Yelling echoed the halls an i feel bad for mothers that tried putting their children to sleep in this shit.

No one even noticed i walked in except Carla and her husband who held their child. I smiled weakly at them .


Nothing... More chatter happened.

My pack came behind me and watched carefully and said nothing. They now i am on edge and can snap any time. They gave me space which is what I want .

"QUIET!!!" I snapped.

One by one heads snapped up a me standing on the stairs. They looked shocked i was standing there but said nothing.

"I know you want me to stand here and be fake and tell you were fine and everything will be ok... Well its not. I am supposed to be an Alpha and a Mate.. I cant feel her if she is alive or not. But in my heart she is.. But my brain says other . "

They all looked down hurt and some people even cried.

I took a deep breathe and looked at my pack as they nodded.

"We will find her. Alive.. Or even hurt she will come back to us . She is your Alpha. For the time being i need everyone to see me as your Alpha.. I need help finding her and i need people guarding our village. We don't need to lose anymore people today."

They all nodded and some said nothing. I knew they were mad and i didn't care.

"It would be nice if once in awhile someone tries to communicate with her through mind link. "

"I will" a young boy said.

I nodded smiling. "Keep me updated."

He nodded and walked off concentrating. I sighed as the others walked off getting ready for bed.

I walked last my pack as they tried talking to me but i just ignored them and walked off to me and Vikki's room.

I shut the door as sat on the bed.

I looked around and frowned smelling her scent in the whole room. I broke down and cried the whole night .

:(( aweee!

Sorry for a short update i will update again today!

Where you think Vikki is?

Is she alive?



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