Chapter 106.

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Heey Guy's i have been really sick with the Flu :[

So sorry i didn't update!

Chapter 106:

The next day everyone was hanging around the pool and having a nice day, It was gonna be our last day here with Alvin so he was throwing a BBQ. I smiled thinking about the food.. My pregnant ass haha.

Everyone has more respect for me in my pack and i was proud they did, No one spoke about what had happen. No one has shown threat's to me and the pack and i was grateful.

"Melissa hurry up!" Alvin yelled jumping in the pool.

I giggled and sat in a chair watching everyone have a good time. I sat there and ate some chicken wings. Jaden was on the grill laughing watching his mate wrestle with his brother Alec. The girl's were tanning but go interrupted by there mate's splashing them.

Amy and Sara stayed close to me because they think i will protect them.

"This is good, We need to build a pool at the pack house Melissa." Amy smiled.

"I was thinking the same thing!" I smiled sitting back relaxing.

"Its really relaxing plus, The kids will love it." Sara smiled.

I nodded smiling. Vikki was playing with the little kid's splashing as she laughed. My heart felt warm watching her knowing one day it will be our kid's she played with. I giggled as she fell into the water.

She splashed me as i stared at her shocked.

"Don't laugh at me." She smiled.

I rolled my eye's giggling grabbing the towel drying me off. Amy and Sara giggled as i reached for a water gun and sprayed them. They screamed getting up as Alec grabbed Amy and Kyle grabbed Sara jumping into the pool. I was laughing so hard i grabbed my stomach and stopped.

"You okay??" Vikki asked.

I smiled.

"Come here!"

She got out fast and wrapped a towel around herself. I smiled and grabbed her hand and placed in on my stomach she was quiet than her face got bright.

"They kicked ." She smiled.

I nodded giggling.

Alvin ran over alerted as i smiled and grabbed his hand placing it onto my stomach.

He screamed lightly jumping up and down as i laughed.

"Uncle Alvin is here!!" He yelled.

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