Chapter 18.

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--> Ill miss you... Or will I? <---

Chapter 18:

I continued to walk down the hall with Vikki holding my hand , her mother behind us as she walked with her husband know as the bad Alpha.

I started to get nervous because me and my brother go way back.. For him to do this to me and kill people? He has changed and it's scaring me. My own blood hiding secrets and hurting people.. Scary.

We stopped near the basement door as Vikki looked at me, i nodded showing her i was okay and ready. She smiled and nodded going first down the stairs. I could smell the loads of guards down their and everyone's heart beat.. It was scary but cool?

I heard a parent crying her eyes out as a man was cursing and the guards were holding him back.. The child's parents i presume .

I saw my brother from a distant smell the air and smile evily.. His smile made me want to turn around but i knew i couldn't.
He held onto the little girl as she cried.

"Ah finally my sister. " he laughed.

"Did you suck any-

He stopped mid sentence as I came into view .. He stared at me but not me.. My eyes, He rose dropping the little girl coming closer to the bars.

I looked over at his two friends who were staring at me as well confused.

"What- your eyes.."

He looked over at Vikki and hissed loudly moving to the bars as i got in front of Vikki he glared at me.

"Your protecting the dog?" He laughed.

"She is my Mate. " I snapped not liking how he called her that.,

"Mate?" Chris asked from the other cell.

"They turned you into.. This." He spit onto the floor near my shoes as i kept glaring at him.

"Let the child go. "

"Ooh her?" He walked over to her picking her up as she screamed and her mother crying .
I moved closer to the bars.

"She reminds me of you.. Inoccent, sweet."

"Let her go!" I yelled.

"Why? She does smell good. " He moved his mouth near her neck as her parents screamed.

"Stop it!! " I yelled .

He looked up at me and threw the girl over so she hit her head and passed out.

"She was boring anyway."

"Why.. Why are you being this way." I frowned.

"Why.. WHY!" He slammed into the bars infront of my face.

"Because i didn't have the life you had.. I tried making yours nice , but you .. Haha you spoiled bitch just wasn't happy ."

Tears ran down my face as i glared at him as he smirked through at me.

"Lies.. " I snapped.

"Ah but they aren't, you see mommy and daddy where both living breathing Vampires and us being kids were born human and me turning 18, had to be a man and find our parents killing two humans in the basement .. I woke up being a Monster like them.. I was kept from you until i could control my hunger, thats when our parents disappeared and left me with you. I didn't want this life for you but it sure is amazing.." He laughed scratching his hair.

I stayed quiet processing everything .
"You didn't have to be like them.. You didn't have to kill innocent people!"

He laughed loudly that it echoed the walls and looked down at the little girl.
"I am thirsty."

He dove for the girl as i opened the cell bars as Vikki yelled my name, I pulled out the scalpel that I took from the infirmary and tackled my brother stabbing him over and over in the heart.

We both fell to the floor as I was on top of him screaming loudly as i kept stabbing at his heart as he chocked on his blood and stared at me in horror. I get stabbing his chest as all the furry was coming out of me.. My blood was boiling .. All i could see is red . His blood spattered my shirt and face.

I stopped breathing heavily as he gargled but laughing lightly looking at me.
"Pa- thetic ... "

I glared and him and drew my fangs out and bit into his neck taking a chunk out as he stopped moving and breathing all together.
I spit out his blood and stared at him as tears fell from my face..

I stared in horror at my brother...
I just killed him.

WOOO .. Crazy! I know. But is he really dead? Haha i always have twists my loves.
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