Chapter 78.

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-Not One But Three Sexy Alpha's-

Amy's POV!

Chapter 78:

The long car rides were boring, I stared out the window at boring tree's for hour's now and nothing was changing out there. Melissa was getting worse by the minute and all of our wolves were whimpering for her wolf to communicate back. Melissa would get agitated and tell us to calm them down which didn't really work.. We were slowly losing her while we were all hopeless.

I sighed and sat up in my seat looking at Jason who was focused on the road.
"How much farther."

"I really don't know my wolf says it's close but.. He keep's spacing out"

"I don't blame him." I liked over at Melissa who was very pale and not her self l, she was sweating horribly .

I frowned and looked at Jason. "Im scared" I whispered .

He looked at me for awhile than tore his eyes off me and at the road.
"Don't be. Your strong like the rest -

"Im not strong, i messed allot of shit up, ruined her.. She forgave me but for what Jason?"

"Because.. You and all of us mean everything to her."

"Why should I mean anything to her.."

"Because your part of this pack like everyone else? She saved all of us.. We need to stay strong for her."

"Im not strong.." I whispered.

He sighed and tightened his hand on the wheel. "You are you just can't see it. The way you talked back to the council.. That's some balls kid"

I laughed lightly rolling my eyes. " I was only talking back because we need justice.. How can we get that when other wolves hate us because we're hybrids. "

"Hey if we weren't hybrids, you would of never met Johnny"

"Yah.. And now he is dead."

There was a long awkward pause, the snoring of Kyle was like our crickets. After a long pause he cleared his throat.
"He might be dead but he did love you Amy. Even if he had a mate you came first in his book"

A brushed away a tear that fell from my cheek as I smiled and touched his shoulder.
"Yahh , that bitch of a mate of his is crazy"

We both laughed again as he stopped the car and pointed. I looked ahead as the other's steered lightly waking up.

"Is that.."

"Yep." Jason sighed.

"What's going on?" Sara yawned stretching off of Kyle looking at us.

"We made it" I smiled at her looking at the guards who were staring at our car.

Jason drove up more and stopped the car pulling the window down.

"How can I help you." The guard spoke.

"We need help. Now" Jason spoke.

The guard looked back at all of us and made a weird face mind linking his Alpha's probably. Than all of a sudden Melissa jerked up spitting blood on the windshield as Sara screamed lightly. I unbuckled my seat belt and ran to her seat undoing her belt with shaky hands.

Jason was yelling at the guard to get the pack doctor and Alpha now before he goes ape shit on them.
I pulled Melissa out with Fred's help and laid her on her side so she didn't choke on her blood.

Seeing her like this broke my heart, my hands shook as i patted her back. A hush of wind came from my side as a man was at Melissa's aid , I turned and looked at the man.. Holy hotness.

He looked at me and we instantly connected.. MATE! My wolf screamed.
My eyes went wide as i blushed and he only smirked.

"Earth to love birds!" Fred yelled getting my attention back to Melissa as she started convulsing.

"MELISSA !!" I screamed loudly.

My mate looked at me and grabbed her in his arms and jealousy hit me but I ignored it and watched him as he ran to the huge mansion.

"Let them in and call my brother's home now!" He yelled as he ran Alpha speed to the house.

I stood up shaking as Sara came over and hugged me as I broke down and cried .. Her blood stained my clothes and I couldn't get her pale dead fave out of my thoughts.

"Relax, come on"

Sara dragged me aside as the boys drove the car passed us, I didn't wanna get in the car with the blood as Donny tried cleaning it up, I walked with Sara as she just held me close.

"So that boy." She smirked squeezing my shoulder.

I blushed and rolled my eyes. "My mate.." I whispered.

She squealed and jumped up and down. "Alpha mate! You go girl!"

I laughed and looked at my feet.. I didn't want to think about Mate's right now , even though my wolf was screaming for him.. I needed to focus on my Alpha..

Sara was staring at me and I smiled weekly. "I can't think about mate's right now.. I need to think about Melissa and.. If she will make it"

She rubbed my shoulder and smiled looking at the dark sky. I looked up as well at the bright stars and smiled.
"Melissa is strong.. She will pull through this. I believe in her."

I nodded my head as we walked to the mansion and inside as people were running around like crazy.. But holy cow this place! Talk about castle ! It was beautiful.

"There is Jason." Sara spoke grabbing my hand pulling me to him as he walked over with us. Donny, Kyle and Fred followed him.

We stayed close because we'll come one. These people were looking at us like food.. There all so strong and big.
While we were puny.
Sighing i rolled my eyes and sniffed for my Mate. I wanted answers not the stupid waiting game.

Rolling my eyes i moved past them pulling away from Sara as she stared at me, I moved to a group of people blocking the pack doctor office.
They stopped me putting their hands up.

"Go and wait little wolf."

"Don't call me little, move ." I warned.

They laughed and pushed me back as I stumbled back, Jason and the rest of them came up behind me as I growled loudly.
All attention was on us, their pack watched my little out burst.

"Move!" I growled.

The guard put his hand up about to hit me as my Mate came like a bullet and grabbed his arm showing his red eyes growling.
"Hit my mate and I'll rip it off." He snapped.

The guards bowed and moved away. Now people new and were whispering mate what Blah blah. I sighed and smiled at him.

"Is she ok.." I sighed.

"Don't know yet.."

"What you mean you don't know ?" I snapped.

He smirked and raised a eye brow at me.
"Amy be respectful.." Jason whispered grabbing my shoulder.

I brushed him off and glared at my mate.
"What do you mean you don't know!" I yelled.

"Well Well brother , some mate you have" A voice came from behind us as we all turned around.

Two men emerged with a few others as they smirked at me brushing their gloves off. I stared at them and looked back at my Mate who smiled at me.

"Wait brothers?" Sara spoke up smirking as Kyle wrapped his arm around her growling.

"Yes, Welcome To The Blood Moon Pack." He smirked.

Woooo Three sexy Alpha's! I'll be putting pics up next chapter!
The boys names below. vvvv

Alex---> Mateless, 22
Alec ---> Amy's Mate , 20
Alvin--> Mateless, 20

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