Chapter 54.

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Heey Guys, Thanks for everyone who is reading. Im putting new character's in this book sooo stay tuned :DDD .


Chapter 54.

"Patch her up, Oh and cuff her up, We don't want this one getting away now do we?." I rolled my eye's sitting on my office chair.

"Yes sir." 

He walked away as i sighed heavily. I looked at my self in the mirror and growled. Those brats really did a number on me didn't they. Not surprised since they are both are Alphas and mate's, Such a pain. The door opened as two people walked in. My second and third in command. Conner and Hayden. They are also Werewolves that were in a pack and killed there entire pack for the Alpha title but sadly did no accomplish. So of course they came here to become the next best thing. An Council member.

Everyone know's not to mess with the Council because in the end you always lose and end up dead or even worse your action's cause your pack's death everyone know's that except Melissa i presume. Her pack is in jeopardy.. I hope she know's that. Because of her more and more people will die. The blood is on her hands.

"Sir. She is stable and stitched up.. "

"Thank You. Don't feed her until i say."

"But sir..

"Did i say talk back!"

The boy cringed and shook his head walking away pretty fast. Poor boy just came here a month ago and is terrified of us. Don't blame him.

I sighed as i stood up and walked over to Conner as he was chatting with Hayden quietly. 

"Lets go check on our prisoner shall we?"

They laughed and followed me out the doors. The place we lived in was huge, We lived in a building that had 8 floor, All for different things. As we walked down the long hall to the infirmary there was guards guarding the door. They nodded as they saw me and moved out the way for me to enter.

As i walked in a tv was playing and the nurse was talking to Vikki but the nurse looked very worried and looked at me as i walked in and stopped me. "We might have a problem."

I pushed passed her and looked at Vikki, She looked at me weird and pulled the cover's closer to her body as if hiding and a scared puppy.

"Who are you.." Her voice whispered.

I looked confused and looked at the nurse.

"She seems to have Amnesia...She does not member anything at all or who she is." The nurse sighed as she walked away writing things down.

I smiled evilly and walked over to her sitting down by her bed side. "I'm Richard, and We are part of the Wolf Council."


"Yes... We."


Vikki has Amnesia :OOOO !! OOOOH NOO

What you think Richard will do!!

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