Chapter 17.

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--> Forever or Not Forever. <--

 Chapter 17.

I stared at the cup and wanted to get sick right there on the spot, i pushed it away from me and glared at her. "Are you crazy!"

"Its to see if you are what we think you are.."

"I am in no mind tasting that! " I looked over a Vikki as she looked at me and bit her lip and looked back at the doctor who is also looking at her.

"Give us a minute?" Vikki spoke.

The doctor sighed and left the room leaving just me and Vikki.

"I don't care what you say i am not drinking that shit.." 

Vikki looked at me smirking. She moved my hair from my eyes as i blushed red.

"Your really hot when you get angry.." She giggled.

I turned tomato red as i stared into her brown eyes.

She moved close to me as her lips crashed into mine.. Sparks went off in my head as we kissed like nothing mattered in the world and it was just us there. She lightly laid us back so she was ontop of me, she moved her hand up my shirt as kissed up my neck and back to my lips.


She moved her tongue inside my mouth as we fought for dominance which she sadly won, we french kissed which seemed like forever as her hand slid up and grasped my boob as i gasped loudly. She smirked against my mouth and began to move down to my neck as she kissed the top of my chest.

A loud knock came to the door as i jumped and she growled.

"Damn.. Always interrupting good moments.." She sighed .

I laughed lightly as my face was soo red from what happened. I fixed my hair and pulled my shirt down.

"Come in." Vikki laughed poking my red cheeks.

Her mom came in smiling looking at both of us. She looked at Vikki.. They looked deep in thought.

"Melissa.. I don't want to do this but, Your brother is a prisoner here..and he is causing ruckus."

"He is alive?"

"Yes.. We did capture his two friends and ignored the one badly." 

"Good.. " I mumbled as her mother watched me closely.

"I wanna talk to him." I got up looking at her mom.

She looked at Vikki and rose.

"Melissa.. You sure this is want you want?" Vikki grabbed my hand.

I squeezed her hand smiling. "You know how you said you were going to make it up to me?" 

She nodded.

"Let me see him.. I need to speak to him. " I stared into her eyes as she stared at mine.

"Okay.. I will be with you thought."

I smiled and nodded. "Of course."

"What if he does something, he has a child hostage down their.. what if he gets you too."

"He wont, ill get that child back safely.. What ever i shall do no one say anything." 

Her mother and Vikki looked at me as we walked down the stairs of the house. I stayed quiet for awhile than stopped looking at her Father that was looking at me from a distance.

"I will kill him."

:DDD! Woooo.

( Lets get to 19 likes for the Talk between her and her brother!!) 

Thank You to everyone who is comenting! You guys are alsome. Plus i was also thinking taking this book to Chapter 40 or 50 and stopping and making a sequeal what do you guys think? Let me know.


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