Chapter 70.

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-- Great.. --

Chapter 70:

As i got up to answer the door, Vikki sighed and paused the movie and looked at me. I unlocked the chain and opened the door, Not surprised to see red eyes and a very pissed of Alpha and beta with a younger boy as well. I smirked and leaned against the door frame.

"May i help you?" I asked smartly.

He growled and pushed passed me, But i didn't let him go far as i grabbed his shoulder tight he stopped when he saw my bright red eyes. 

"Don't be rude. This is our home and i never asked for you to come in." I snapped.

"Why are you on my lands." He asked backing up.

Vikki sighed and came over looking at the three boys. "Well its called vacation."

He Alpha looked at her and said nothing as i was still holding onto him not trusting him one bit, Alpha or not he could be evil behind it all.

"What are two Alpha's doing on vacation." The beta asked.

I laughed and sighed opening the door for them to come in. I wasn't going to be rude i wanted to be left alone really. "Come in."

They looked at me weird but sat down in the living room as Vikki and me sat back to where we were cuddling. Sighing about our movie, Looks like we wont watch that till they leave. 

"This is my mate Vikki.. She has lost her memories.." I spoke.

They nodded looking at me. "Why are you here." The Alpaha asked.

I sighed and Vikki rubbed my hand. "Because.. I dont think i am fit out to be an Alpha so i just wanted to get away from Alpah's and wolves period.. but it looks like it always fails.. huh?" I laughed.

"Not fit?" He asked.

I nodded and smiled. "I don't wanna explain it.. Its not really any of your concern. Now back to now why are you here? We show no trouble and yet yo band on my door?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

The younger boy looked at me and raised his hand as i looked at him weird. "Well you smelled..Different."

"Not surprised. I got bit.. If you wanted to know my business more?" I asked harshly.

The boy frowned and looked away at the wall. The Alpha looked at him and sighed. "Sorry he is just a curious wolf.."

I nodded and looked at the Beta. "And him?" I asked pointing to him.

He laughed as the Beta rolled his eyes and stood up walking towards the door. Standing there. "He is just protective.. Its not regular we get two Alpha's on our land without asking.."

I nodded understanding my pack.. I mean old pack, Sighing i looked at the TV and pushed play. "If that's all we were watching something."

The young boy was really into the movie as he sat down next to me and watched it. "He can stay. I like him." I smiled.

"I'm Jacob." He smiled and ate some of my popcorn.

"We need to be going, Let go Jacob, Your sister will kill me if she found out you where here." The Alpha warned.

"Aw cant i stay.. I will be home right after the movie.." He sighed.

The Alpha looked at me and Vikki as i just shrugged and ruffled his hair. They might be wolves.. but they acted more like humans. I watched him as he was mind linking and sighed as he rubbed his head.

"Your sister said no.. She is yelling if u cant hear?" He sighed.

The boy growled and got up and stomped out the room. I walked to the door and waved goodbye. 

"If you need anything.. I live in the mansion its just a few minuete's away." He smiled and walked away.

"I wont anytime soon." I smiled and shut the door.

I walked back to the couch and plopped down as i looked at Vikki and she rolled her eyes and ate popcorn."They will never leave us alone huh?"

I sighed and looked at her as a big bang went off outside, We both jumped and headed towards the window. There was a group of people down there including the Beta. I growled loudly as Vikki grabbed my hand. "There are trying to start something Melissa.. Don't."

"Vikki, He wants to play lets play? Shall we?" I smiled at her.

"Play?" She asked.

I moved her closer to me as i kissed her lips hard, She was shocked at first but kissed me back as sparks went off. We were now french kissing and the screaming got quiet outside the window.. We were putting on a show and now winning.

We separated and smirked at each other.. We haven't kissed in so long i missed it and that kiss was perfect. I turned and opened the window. "Anything else you boys might want? If not were busy. Run along." I smirked.

They only looked at me. "You cant stay here..." The beta spoke.

I rolled my eyes and smirked. "I will stay here just to bug your ass. Bye." I closed the widow and the curtains as me and Vikki laughed and continued to watch our movie..

WOOO what you think! cx Coment?

Awe Vikki and Melissa Kiss scence <333

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