Chapter 35.

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-> The Unexpected Call. <--

This book hit over 1,003 likes!! Yay!! :DD Gonna update allot today on this book so get ready!

Thank You to everyone reading the book! I'm thinking about doing a sequel to this book :O What you think?

Chapter 35.

I have been calling Vikki's house and cell for days now and she hasn't answered one of my calls, I know she is mad but i just wanna tell her she and her pack might be in danger.. but than again that's my fault too.

"Still no answer?" David asked.

I shook my head and sighed. Everyone was sprawled out around the living room looking at maps and talking about where to go to find more hybrids, and to stay away from my brother and the council. We didn't know where the council was or what they were up to and i didn't care. 

"Jason." Sara whispered.

Jason looked up from the map. Sara smiled and pointed to the bathroom.

"You can use it you know.. You don't have to ask." Jason laughed.

"No.. Can i used the shower and borrow some clothes.." She mumbled.

He nodded and stood up walking to the bathroom as Sara followed him poking at his back. I looked back at Kyle and David. "So what we got so far."

"Well to not run into the council we should run north.. Or drive which is probably safer so they cant catch our sent." David spoke.

"We should drive. It's safe and i dont want you guys in danger."

Kyle nodded. "We should ask Jason for that big nice van outside and maybe pack food and supplies we might need. Probably money.."

"I have money so we are fine." 

"Ask me what?" Jason asked walking back into the room soak and wet.

We all looked at him up and down and laughed."So i ask?" I smiled.

"Sara splashed me because i made fun of her ratty hair." He smirked.

"You two get along well." I smiled.

He blushed and nodded sitting back on the floor."Yah i grew up with her, knew her folks but than everything went to hell for us hybrids and i haven't seen her since, but i never gave up i found her under the bridge with these to and they had her safe.. Thank god for that." He patted Kyle's shoulder.

"Hey dude it was nothing.. We found her on the road one day.. She wanted to die, i couldn't let her do that she told us what happened and i knew i had to be there for her.. She is to young for any of this really."

We all nodded. "Where is Johnny?" 

David looked up and sighed."He is outside getting his shit together."

"What happen?" I was worried, if something happened.. i should know.

"Well.. He is worrying we wont find his sister, they split awhile ago and she is a hybrid aswell. She is older than him but he still see's her as a little girl. He will be ok." 

I nodded and looked out the door and Johnny sitting on the porch with his face in his hands. I really felt bad for this group they all lost someone they loved to the councill and its just not fair. Us hybrids are not dangerous at all, we all have feelings!

The phone rang and i looked over at it as Jason got up and walked over to it sighing and answering it. He looked confused and looked over at me. "Its for you..."

"Me?" I asked. 

Jason looked at me and looked worried. I grabbed the phone from him and held it to my ear, there was no breathing which was weird.


No answer.


'Ooh dear, you think you can hide from me you cant. You think you can run you cant, i will catch up and hurt that pretty little head of yours.'

My eyes went wide at the voice on the other end of the phone.

'Kevin..' I asked in a shaky voice.

As i said his name all eyes were on me, Johnny must of heard me as he came in and looked alerted at my worried voice. They were all whispering until Jason shushed them.

'Ahh.. That poor girls father.. The way he begged for his life. He had it coming, he really did.'

'Stop this Kevin.. Please.'

'I will never stop.. Until you suffer.'

The phone went dead as i dropped it and sat on the couch putting my face in my hands and screamed really loud. I was so sick of these games.

"What the fuck!" Kyle yelled.

"How did he know your number!" David snapped at Jason.

"I don't know!" Jason yelled back.

"How can we trust you!" David snapped getting in his face.

"Stop both of you!" I yelled. They both looked at me and backed away from each other.

"He know's where you live.. We have to move now." 

I got up from the couch and sighed going into the kitchen grabbing a crate and filling it with food, the other's helped me by grabbing pillow's and putting it in the car. Jason was cleaning out the Van. 

"Johnny get Sara."

He scurried off yelling for Sara as she snapped about getting out of the shower.

If my brother was out for revenge he was getting it and he said he was going to make me suffer.. He is going to hurt the people around me and i couldn't let that happen..We need to disappear..

Sara came runing out grabbing blankets and looking at me with a smile "We will be ok, i promise you Alpha." She ran outside putting the stuff in the car.

I sighed and walked outside looking at the people around us thinking were crazy and ignored them putting the bags of food in the car, Everyone jumped into the Van ready to get on the road again and probably not the last time we have to either.I got into the passenger seat as Jason drives off putting tunes on, I looked up in the sky and prayed.. I prayed for a better life and for these people's life.


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What you think about that phone call :[ Pretty harsh?

Get ready for Vikki's POV next chapter!

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