Chapter 103.

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I am gonna start the Alpha Brother's book!! *screams*

I am so excited!

Will let you know when it is published!!

Melissa's POV

Chapter 103.

As i got cleaned up with the help of Sara and Amy. Vikki was on the phone trying to get us somewhere safe away from this bullshit.

That Alpha and Beta are after my babies and to kill me in the process.. Just thinking about it make's me and my wolf mad but also upset.

Vikki came in smiling.

"Pack your thing's there gonna take us in."

Everyone sighed of relief as i knew anywhere we went isn't safe for my kids or my pack.

We are getting targeted for being stronger than everyone else. Well screw them!

"Melissa we will be safe so let's go pack." She grabbed my hand's as i nodded.

The girl's rushed off and told every pack member to pack. Other chose to stay because they didnt want to run. Fred and Violet would stay here as they were in bad condition.

Lark was gonna hold things down around the pack house until we got back with the pups safe.

As i was upstairs i looked at Vikki who was grabbing clothe's and putting them into her bag. She noticed me and looked at me.


"Are we really safe? How can we be Vikki.."

She stayed quiet and came up to me kissing my head.

"Even if we aren't i will protect you and those babies.. I will die protecting them."

"Don't say that.." I frowned.

"I would Melissa."

I stayed quiet as she let go and continued packing up. I sat on the bed and slowly put my clothe's into a bag. Shit was running through my head i couldn't focus on packing.

They are after my kids.. For what because they are hybrid babies?? Or is it just because of how strong they were... What will happen will i be killed will i-

"Melissa." Vikki came into view.

She brushed off tear's that wearing falling from my eye's.

"Sorry." I laughed sighing.

"Don't think about it okay. We will be with Alvin and be safe. The babies will be born and than we can come back to the pack house and raise those little monster's and finally be happy and get old together." She smiled.

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