Chapter 37.

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Chapter 37.

Everyone was asleep in the back of the car as it was now 11 at night, We have been driving for two days now.. It's gotten really boring and the food and water is almost gone. We all decided to food shopping and find a hotel we can sleep for awhile. I feel bad Jason has been driving non stop and refuses to let anyone else drive.. He said it was his duty to do this for everyone.. Men . Haha.

"You could let me drive Jason." I looked over at him as he was drinking his 7th cup of coffe.

He smiled and looked over at me. "Nah, I'm fine. I just wanna keep them safe." He looked back into the review mirror and smiled.

"So do I." I smiled and looked at the road.

I looked out the window sighing and looked back at Jason.

"Who do you think is behind this whole thing. They must really hate me or something."

Jason shrugged his shoulders. "You seem like a very nice person.. Well until you go all Alpha." He laughed.

I laughed and hit his arm lightly rolling my eye's. "Sometime's you have to go all Alpha, Makes people scared and it makes me look strong." 

"Haha, Thats true.. I believe your strong at heart and hate seing people help you or even look after you."

"That's because i have nothing to repay back to people.. I was human you know and everyone looked out for me because i was weak.. I am happy that Vikki and my brother bit me.. I know it's weird to say that cause what i am going through now but.. I wouldnt have met you guys if i wasnt Alpha." 

Jason nodded and smiled, arms wrapped around me as i looked back at Sara and the others looking at me smiling. "Your not weak, your the best person i met in years that care for us."

"Thanks Sara."

My phone went off in my pants making me jump, The other's laughed as i took my phone out and looked at the name.. Vikki... Should i answer it? Should i not? I sighed and pushed the talk button..

"Melissa! Melissa you there!" Vikki yelled.


"Listen i know i am probably the last person you wanna talk to because i freaked out and i am truly sorry for that but i need you to listen!"

"Okaay i am listening."

"The council was at the pack house.. I dont know why but they were here."

"The council! There!" I yelled through the phone. The other's looked at me alerted, i pushed speaker so everyone could hear.

"Your on speaker."

"Okay.. Hey guys. Hope your safe."

"Heey." They all said.

"That weird, the council showing up at your house." Jason said.

"It is, we thought i was because of the killing of my.. my father, it was half of the reason they were their but while they were here they smelled you guys.."

"Smelled us?"

"That makes no since." David spoke.

"Vikki.. We didnt go inside .. Only i did, and my scent is mixed with your's since... Err ya."

She coughed lightly in the phone and i knew she was blushing because i was too.

"That is strange.."

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