Chapter 1

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You were waiting for your friends to do a group assignment and your parents are not home, so you are home alone.
Because you're getting bored you decided to play your Xbox " lets see if i play Assassin's Creed will entertain me " you said to yourself.

You played the Assassin's creed I, while you playing as Altair in sudden he froze " What!? Come on...move Altair!! " You tried to move him but it was no use." Fine then Altair.." you yelled.
You looked at your clock its 11:50am you let out a sigh .
Your friends will come to your house around 2pm.

" ughh... " you said as you changed the game to Assassin's creed II " Please work...please " you begged. After a while playing the game froze like the first time when Ezio were talking with Leonardo " Are you kidding me the same thing!? The hell game!! " You yelled again and decided to change the thrid one ( you know 'Connor')
It's been a half an hours and the game work very well. 

" Come on Connor its time to kill johnson.." you said to yourself as you control him. And when you were trying to kill him the game froze again. Your anger filled in your body and you yelled
" ughh!!! I give up!! " you tried to calm down your self as you look at the clock ' its almost 2 pm i should get ready for my friends ' you thought yourself. As you trying to turn off your xbox the screen turns white, your eyes widen up " what the hell is happening?? " you asked. And the screen turns lighter and lighter...then.....Flash..

You stood beside somekind of an old building, you saw people wore some kind of an old clothes and guards with an armour walking by
'oh my... am i back in time?' you thought

Some guard saw you and yelled " you there stop!!! Come here! " as he walking to you ' oh crap ' then you started to ran as fast as you can away from the guard
" you!! Halt!! Come back here!! guards get that women!! " he yelled out again ' can you please not calling your friends!? ' you thought as you ran and you realized something ' am i in the Assassins Creed? '

You began to climb up the building but the guards wouldn't give saw a tall tower and then an idea came up to your mind 'maybe if i go up to that tower they will give up..' and so you went up to the tower " it worked..ha! Finally i got away from those bastards.." you said to yourself. You looked the view from the tower as someone tapped you on your shoulder,almost made you jump
" what are you doing up here, mio caro? " a familiar man voice asked as you turned around and saw 3 famous assassins " oh gosh.. Ezio, Connor, Altair..?" you asked didn't believe. They all look at each other and nodded slowly. Before you could say anything Altair asked " how do you know our names? "

" uhmmm... I just know " you lied. Connor shook his head " i know you lied..." he said and continued " tell us the truth or you can go back where the guards are waiting for you "

A sigh escape from your lips " Fine i will tell you the wont believe me anyway...." you trailed off
" well..." Altair said waiting for your answer " I am from the future that's why i know your names.." you explained
They all look confused
" Nonsense " Altair shouted
" indeed it is " Connor spat.

" see i told you.., you wont believe me.. " you said " i believe you if you can proof that you are from the future" Ezio stated " can see from my clothes, its very odd for you in this time era" you explained " hmmm...i can see that " Altair told you
"Maybe your tailor was drunk while making your clothes" Connor said " what are you telling is true, bella?" Ezio asked you again " yes Ezio" you replied and you remember you have your Iphone in your pocket then you took it out and showed to them, they all look confused once again especially Altair " what is this? Somekind of a box or something??" Altair asked as he keep looking at your Iphone.

You chuckled " It is an Iphone" you told them " an I- what? " Connor asked " an Iphone" you said " i have never seen that thing before.." he said with a tease tone " that is because it is from the future idiot! Why wont you believe me!" you yelled at him and he snap back " maybe you are a templar or something..." he still didnt believe you

You let out a long sigh and showed them the pictures of the Assassins Creed, your city, technology and everything." Do you believe me now, Connor or should i say Ratonhnhakè:ton? " you explaind and then his eyes widen up and said " wow you are the first person who can said my name correctly in the first time.."

You rolled your eyes and continued " ...and if i am a templar, why did the guards chase me?! "

" well... Thats explain me a lot. Lets get started again i'm Ezio Auditore Da Firenze and these are my brothers" Ezio explain. " i know who you are, your stories an-" you tried to told them but Ezio cut you off " then let us know you.." he said as he lift up your hand and kissed on your knuckles, he smirk as you blushes.

" well.. My name is [y/n]..." You introduced yourself to them " Ha! What a beautiful name for a beautiful lady..." Ezio stated, you smile and thank him " so..[y/n] where do you come from in the future? " Altair asked " umm... in the future i am from [y/city], that is [y/country] " you answered him " intresting...." he murmured and Connor asked you " you said you know our stories, am i right?" " yes Connor i know your stories.."
" prove it " he said with a serious face and then you decided to tell them their stories from Connor, Ezio and Altair.

" how do you know our stories, our family and the Creed?" Altair asked once again ' damn he cant quit questioning me, can he? You thought " because In the future theres a game of you... That we can play as you.. Its like im controling you to finish the missions..." you explained " i still do not understand... " connor said
' this is gonna be a long time to explain them ' you thought again as Ezio interrupted you " [y/n].... since you are from the future, you dont have a place to live right?" he asked nicely " you can say that..." You answered him. He looked at the two assassins behind him ans they nodded, then Ezio turn his face back at you and asked " would you like to come to our hideout? And stay with us until you are back to your time again..? " you froze hearing that question
' this is not happening, im dreaming ' you thought as your eyes widen up and finally answered his question.
" it will be my pleasure..." you said with a big smile on your face ' dang.. This is the best day of my life...' you thought again

Author note :
so... That was it, and i will continued it again later...
Sorry if this story almost looks the same....
I just make this for fun
And thanks for reading my story and sorry if there somethings wrong on this story

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