Chapter 31

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You both were walking down the hall, it was really confusing, like a maze but then you saw a window but it was small. It seemed like you were still in the underground.

"Peter, there!"


He looked to your direction and nodded, he broke the glass. Then he turned to you and you nodded, giving a sign for him to go first to check the area again. He squeezed through the window and crawled out. It was your turn. You climbed up but you were pulled back in, falling to the ground.

"Where do you think you're going huh?" you heard the familiar voice, you hissed in pain as the wounds on your back stings. The cop chuckled as other guards started to come. They picked you up but you struggled hard.

"(y/n)!!!" Peter called, you saw his head peeking from the small window. There was an alarm went off which made you panic as you struggled more. "Go! Get out of here!!" You yelled at him but one guard punched you in the gut, making you wheezed.

"There! the boy is out by the window!" You heard yellings and stomping of heavy footsteps while you got dragged away.

"No! (y/n), i cant leave you here!"

"Peter!! just get out of here!" You shouted again, Donto growled at you and kicked you on the head hard, making you went unconscious.

===== Peter POV =====

'shit shit shit! She's still in there, i have to go help her'

I got up, after seeing (y/n) got knocked out by that bastard. I looked around to see that i was in the forest, then there was an alarm. Without thinking twice, i ran through the woods. I heard some people running and chasing after me, i kept running as i ignored all the pain in my body. When their sound started to fade away, i slowed down and walked, not having enough energy. I found a pathway so i followed it. Without food or any water, my stomach grumbled in protest.

'i cant believe that templar was real! and the assassins. I mean of course they were but (y/n)'s grandfather was an assasins?! like wow'

====== 1 Hour Later ======

I finally found a road. I walked along the road while stumbling a bit from the lack of energy i had, i saw a spotlight from the afar,so i tried to called for help but nothing came out from me. I started to feel lightheaded and fell to the ground. The last thing i saw was someone approaching me and picked me up to somewhere.

After who knows how long, i woke up in a hospital bed. My arms were covered up with bandages, there was a small bandage across my forehead. Then a nurse came in while bringing a tray of food, looked like sandwich in it.

"Ah you're awake mr..?"

" My names Peter. What happened? "

She nodded, "right Mr. Peter. Someone found you collapsed on the middle of the road"

'(y/n)! Oh god'

"How long have i been here?!" I quickly asked her.

"Not long just about 5 to 6 hours"

I jumped off from the bed,

"im sorry but i need to go! My friend is in danger!!" I yelled at the nurse while grabbing the sandwich. She called out after me but i already ran out from the room and out from the hospital.

'thank goodness the hospital was not far from her house. I have to get the assassins!'

===== Normal POV =====

Altair was pacing back and foward in the living room. All of them were still in the room, thinking hard. Then Ezio got frustrated, he punched the wall while he roared.

"I cant wait any longer!! Knowing that she's captured and here we are doing nothing!!" He said. Altair put a hand on his shoulder, about to told him something but he was stoped by the door brusted open. Everyone looked over, hoping that it was (y/n) but sadly it was someone else. Peter. His arms and torso were covered up with bandages.

Altair was about to walked over to him but Peter was grabbed and swung to the wall by his neck. Ezio choked him, pushing Peter up so he was a little off from the ground. 

"You bastardo! Where is she, ya little cazzo(f*ck)!?" Ezio yelled in his italian accent. (whoa Ezio calm down yo butts o.o)

Peter grabbed Ezio's hand as he tried to get it off his neck while choking and gapsing. His face start to go blue from the lack of air. Altair told Ezio to let go and he did which caused Peter to fall to the floor, breath heavily and coughed violently.

"Well? Talk!" Connor walked up to him with a look like he was about to kick Peter in the face. Altait was trying to hold Ezio back.

"Her- *huffs* parents! They're alive, (y/n)'s parents are the one who behind this all!" Peter explained weakly.

"Cazzate(bullshit)! Her parents are dead!"  Ezio growled.

"Its the truth! They faked their dead, they are templars and (y/n)'s grandfather was an assasin." Peter said again. The others stayed quiet.

After a couple of minutes, the assassins started to believe in Peter. They let him explained what happened every detail of it. As they heard what happened and that you were hurt badly, they got upset and sad. Ezio apologized to Peter for what he did to him.

"you said they were looking for the eden?" Connor mumbled causing Peter to nod.
" so its true, they were looking for the eden" Altair said while holding his chin.

The Connor took out something from his pocket. The compass.  "I found this in her bedroom, it was hidden under the wooden plank on the floor."

"what now then?" Peter asked as he glanced up at the assassins.

Hoi! again. i know its been months i havent update. Please fogive me for this. I've been kinda down this past few days but i'll still continue the story for you guys! Thank you all for sticking up with me ^^ Love you all my reader! Next chappy soon, i hope >~>. Thank you for reading my story!



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