Chapter 10

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' it is the time ' you thought

" what is wrong ? " Leonardo asked

" i have to go Leo.. and thank you for the drawing.." you replied, he nodded then took another paper and started to drawing again. You walked outside to find Altair was sitting an a bench, thought about something and you called him

" Altair..."

he looked up to you and you said again " Its time for me to go home " with that he sighed and nodded, then he stood up

" let us tell the others..." he said

" ok " that was all you said, you and Altair walked in to the main room of the Hideout. Altair approached all the Assassins and Leonardo.
" brothers.. it is time for [y/n] has to go home..."
They all seemed sad about it, especially Ezio.
" well then.. we need to say a proper goodbye for our sister..." Ezio said. They all nodded as an agreement.
After that you all go to the field of the hideout and you took the compass on your hand.
" do you really have to go?" Ezio said with sadness on his face as you sighed
" i have to, Ezio. I'm really sorry"
" no it is alright, you choose what you have to do.." he said as he smiled, with that you smiled back

In sudden you hugged them and they hugged you back.
" thank you guys.. for everything..." you said

" thank you as well.. dearest sister.." Altair said
Then you held the Compass, when you about to press the button on the Compass you said your last word to them
" dont forget about me..brothers "
" we will not forget you..."
Connor replied as you pressed the button with that the ground around and they all faded away until you stood in a white room and then you saw Minerva again, but before you could do anything darkness came all over to you.

You woke up in a familiar room. There was a TV, a bed, an xbox. It was your room. You were back in your room. You were laying on the floor then you sat up and looked to your tv, it was still white. You turned the tv off and you saw the Compass beside you. You took it and when you stood up and realized your back on your casual clothes then you felt something stick on your arm, you saw it and it was your hidden blade. You closed your eyes and mumbled " thank you"

After that, you looked at your clock and it was the same time when you got stuck in the game ' so after all this month i spent in the assassins creed, the time in here is frozen?'
You thought as you heard a doorbell from your house. You ran downstairs to looked who was it, you opened the door and it was your friends
" hey there [y/n], sorry for being late and we are ready for the assignment" your friend [fr/n], before you could say your friend continued
" whats wrong with you? You look like you just had a crazy dream.."
As your friend said that more question pop up in your mind ' was it all just a dream? Then what does the Compass mean?an-' you thought until your friend cut you off
"Hello.... earth to [y/n].. are you there?.. Can we come in?.." he/she said and you nodded
" yes...yes you may, come on in."

After you and your friend done your assignment, your friend decided to play with you for a while and you told them what had happen to you.
" guys.. i met three assassins from the Assassins Creed game"

" really? Wow i knew it. You just had crazy dream"

" but this was not a dream, i played xbox this morning and i got stuck in it..and i met them, and they teached me there to be an assas-" your other friend cut you off
" whoa.. slow down there.. they are not existed [y/n]... you are just dreaming"

" im not dreaming! Here.. i have the hidden blade.." with that you show them your hidden blade
" wow where did you buy this? "
" i didnt! i got this from them.."
" look i think you are very tired, take some rest ok?.. Come on its getting late, we should go home now.. " he/she said as you sighed and nodded.

You and your friends had a group hug before they left
" we will see you tomorrow ok.. byee"
" see 'ya" you said closing the door and walked to your room, you put your hand in your pocket and felt a paper in there. You took out the paper and look at it. The paper was the drawing by Leonardo, you smiled and you stick it on the wall beside your desk. Then you sat on your bed as you held the Compass.
' i knew that was not a dream '


A/N: hey... lol how was it? thank you all for reading this and should i continue the story? Tell me if i should k

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