Chapter 18

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Bastardo ~> bastard

All the three master assassins gathered up their weapons and then... They were all ready to get you back.

~~~ In the Templar Fortress~~~

Daniel was talking with one of the captian of the guards with Thiffany beside him when he heard screaming of pain outside.

" What's happening?! " He said.

" i think someone have reached in to our fortress! " the captian said.

Then the main door kicked open revealing three Assassins with rage in their faces.

" ahh the assassins is here i see" Daniel said as he chuckled.

" where is she, bastardo!?" The italian master assassin yelled at Daniel.

" Hmm i don't seem i can understand who are you talking about.." Daniel smirked.

" Do not act stupid Daniel.. We know you have (y/n)" Connor growled.

"Fine fine.  As you wish.. Assassins" Daniel say and moved beside. As someone walked up.

All the assassins were shock when they saw who it is. It was you. You still wore your assassins attire but what different was your eyes and your skin. Your eyes was pure black. Total black. And your skin was pale. You stood there like you were in trance, well you were.

Daniel chuckled as he saw the Assassins expression. Ezio filled up with more rage,
"What have you done to her!?" He yelled.

"I didn't do anything to here, only this piece of Eden does," Daniel said as he pulls out the Compass out and its glowling.

"Come and get her,"

Altair growled, he pulled out his sword and ran up to Daniel to end him. But he stopped when you stepped up in front of Daniel.
You were like a puppet now..
Controled by him..
A puppet without strings..

Daniel smirked as he said,
" finish them off, (y/n) "
You pulled out your sword and got ready to fight them down. On the other hand, the assassins didn't want to fight you. Well you mean so much to them.. They don't want to lose you.

A/n: i know I know its short but YOLO sorry guys if there's any  mistakes and please comment or suggest cuz im running out of ideas *^* correct me if im wrong!
So yeahh. Thanks for reading mah story! Hope you all enjoy it.
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