Chapter 9

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La mia bella sorella - my beautiful sister

After spent all of your day with the Assassins. You all went back to the Hideout. You had a conversation for a moment before you walked to your room

" guys... thank you for having your time with me.. i really appreciate it " you thanked them as you yawned.

" You are most welcome, sister... and we will have visitors tomorrow.." Altair stated

" who..? "

This time Connor answered you " you will have to wait until the next day.."

You sighed " well... im going to get some sleep.. and why dont you take some rest... " with that you walked to your room

" goodnight, la mia bella sorella " Ezio said with a big wide smile in his face

" goodnight..guys "

The first thing you do was slumped your body onto the bed. You tried to sleep but it never came, then you sat up and took out the Compass out of your pocket. You stared at it for a moment and then you tried to study it. After about a hour, you knew that the Compass had an ability to controls people's mind like the others Piece of Eden. You yawned and your eyes felt sleepy, then you put the Compass on the desk beside your bed, you crawled to your bed and fast asleep.


The next day you woke up and slowly sat up as you yawned, you felt happy yet sad ' this is the last day i meet them ' you thought then sighed. You took the Compass and put it back in your pocket because you knew it was very dangerous. ' i have to tell Altair about this.. ' you thought again. You then walked out from your room and went to the main Hideout to find Altair, he was like waiting for someone

" good morning, brother.."

" good morning to you as well, sister "

" Altair.. i.. slept late last night and i studied the Piece of Eden, i figured out that this Piece of Eden had a power.."

You could tell that his eye widen up even with his hood on. " what.. kind of power ?"

" it can controls people's mind... "

" [y/n].. you have to be very careful with that Piece of Eden.. it has to be on the right hand, do you unserstand?.."

" yes of course Altair.. i will be careful.."

He nodded then you realized something

" where is the others..? " you asked

" they are picking up ou-"

before he could finish the main door was opened, you saw Ezio and Connor walking with someone behind them.

" just right in time.." Altair said again

" guys whats going on?.."

Ezio chuckled and replied

" like we told you yesterday.. we will have a visitors..." then two fimiliar man walked out from the Assassin 'omgomgomg its.. its.. i dont believe this' you thought

the first one was wearing a hat and he introduced himself to you

" my lady.. my name is.."

" Leonardo Da Vinci.. yeah i know who are.." you smiled, he was confused for a while but then smiled. The other guy who only had one arm and wore assassin robe just like Altair, when he opened up his mouth to speak you spoke up

" Malik al-syaf.. nice to meet you all. My name is [y/n] [l/n]..."

" right... you are the girl from the future, correct? " Malik said and you nodded

" Altair told me that and nice to meet you too...."

" what are you guys doing here? "

" well since this is the last day you here, we invited our friends to meet you.." Ezio explained

" am i dreaming now? cause im really meeting Leonardo Da Vinci... " you asked

" no you are not dreaming, my friend and what is it about me? " he said as he chuckled

" well duh.. you are the one who made the Monalisa Painting... your painting is famous in the future... " you said a little bit excited, then Ezio spoke up as he smirked " really..? I think you know more about Leonardo than me..."
" thats me.. " you said as you laughed.
The rest of the day you had fun with them, playing, fighting but just for fun, and you learned things from Leonardo. When you all spent your time having fun, you saw Leonardo drawing something and curiously you approached him
" what are doing Leo..? "
" hold on.. im almost finish.."
You saw drawing something and when its done he drew all of you on the paper you were in middle and behind you was Connor, on his right was Ezio and Leonardo, on his left was Altair and Malik. They all looked happy.
" Leo... this beautiful.." you said with that he handed the drawing to you.
" i want you to keep this, so you dont forget about us..." he said as he smiled
" i wont forget about you guys.. and thank you Leonardo..."
" you're welcome.. [y/n]"

Morning became noon, noo became afternoon.. and you knew..
' it is the time....'

A/n : heyyy... im so happy right now cause the test is over... finally FREEDOM lol
Anyway as i promised i add this new chapter.. what do you think.. lol tell me ok guys.. n im srry if there is a mistake or typo lol ok
Thx guys for read mehh story.. cya

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