Chapter 24

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A/n: Guyssss im sorry for the late update and I won't continue my story with multiple choices cuzzz i have no idea what to write sooo I continue the story like I normally do. Anywayyy this is chapter 24. Hope you guys like it! AND this is short GOMENNN GOMENNN IM SOWWY ;-; i have a lot of assignment this weeks and school is stressful but I'll try to update more!


"Peter!?" you got shocked as you saw him standing in front of your door.

"Heh.. Hi (y/n), right?" he said as he waved his hand and laughed awkwardly.

" How did you know my house??"

"err.. well i kinda saw you when you walked home and im guessing this is your house." He said as scratched behind his neck.

"well yes it is."

"aren't you going to let me in then?"

'should i trust him?? i mean he just came up to my door out of nowhere. I even just meet him once! plus if i let him in, he will know the assassins are here!' You thought.

Finally you decided to take him to a walk around,
" uh.. you know, how about we go for a walk? my house is kinda messy soo ya.." you said nervously and trying to pretend that you were not lying.

" Oh.. hm.. alright, fine by me" You heard him say as he looked suspicious at you.

"yeah uh.. lets go then" You answered and closed the door behind you.

Then you walked around the block with Peter,
" so uh.. How are you?" Peter asked as you noticed that he was nervous and that made you giggled.

"im good, just doing stuff at home"

He shrugged and continues walking, you two talked to each other for 15 minutes and you learned that his home was around two blocks from yours. He was two year older than you. After that you went home but when you were about to reach your front yard, it was Connor... You forgot to lock the door! 


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