Chapter 13

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mio dio - my god


'something bad is going to happen' you kept repeating it in your mind, but in the end you shrugged it off.

You looked to your teacher who was sleeping in his chair, your teacher was a lazy teacher and wasn't really care about teaching every classes. So when teacher slumped on his chair sleeping, your class was a madly chaos. You sighed and pulled out the compass, then started to study it again.

" i think i missed something from this compass but what?... " you mumbled to yourself, tried to focus to it more but the chaos in your class kept bothering you. You growled quietly as you put your head on your table and soon you fell into sleep.

Meanwhile Thiffany was watching you, she was curious about the compass.. so as sneaky enough she got your compass out of your hand while you slept. She sat back down on her chair, by examined it she twisted the top and it sounded 'click' then a small button came out from the bottom, you never knew that until this far and so she pressed it.

Your POV (this is probably going to be short)

I was studying the compass and felt sleepy, I decided to take some nap.. what could possibly go wrong, right?

I woke up in a white room just like before and that lady Minerva came out again..

" Minerva...? " I asked

" you must hurry... befor-" she said but you cut her off

" hurry..? what do you mean? and why are you came to me again?..."

" Child.. i know you wanted answers but now you have to find it.."

" find what? i... i don't understand.."

" the machine! it's out from your hand... you are the choosen one, you must find it before it is out of control..."

" what?! you mean the compass..? "

" yes child... someone stole it from you... and it brings them to the Assassin world.... now i will sent you back there.. you have to find it.."

" wait-..."
Before i could ask another question i passed out

When i woke up i felt pain throbbing in my head, i put my hand on my head and started to looking at my surroundings. I was laying under a tree, i saw a river near the tree as i stood up.

' its look so familiar.. ' i thought
Then it hitted me.
' ah.. yes! this is the place that the Assassins brought me.. wait which mean that..'
" im back.."

It was clear now this is the place that they took my the day before i got home, this is the place that i met Bun-bun.. all this time i thought i will never get back. I looked down and saw i was wearing my robes back.

I started to remember everything, and moments later i remembered that Minerva ordered me to find the Compass. Questions started to coming in my mind. Where is the compass now? who took it? when did they took it? are they a friend or foe? will they be in the Assassin or the Templar..?

" i need to tell the Assassins.. " you said as you pulled your hood up.

Normal POV

You managed to remember tha way back to the hideout, so there you was walking to the hideout.

" if only i had a horse with me, I'll be there in no time.." you murmured
you were already walking about a hour and you saw the town from a distance.
" ah finally..! "

To try being stealthy you climbed up to the rooftops, you saw the hideout's tower but it was still far from you. You started to jumping the rooftops step by step, roof by roof. In the corner of your eyes you saw a white hooded figure and so you stopped, the hooded figure had a white robe and a cape that went to the arm. ' Ezio..?' you thought, actually you were not sure is that is Ezio or not.

Because of your curiosity you followed the hooded figure, he stopped like he noticed something then he ran faster. You have to keep up with him but tried to be stealthy aswell, he ran down and through an alleyway and you followed him
' oh boy.. can you get slower a bit..? ' you thought. When you got through the alley and found a dead end but he was nowhere to be seen

" dammit i lost him.." you said as you turned around and saw the hooded figure or 'ezio'. You can't see him, his face was covered by the hood.

" you know.. if you want to following me like that you should be more quite.. " he suggested, his italian voice made you sure that he is Ezio.

" Ezio..? is that you..?" you asked

He then pulled down his hood and revealed his face, he really is Ezio
" who are you..?" he asked. You put your hood down aswell.
" [y/n]?"

" its me Ezio.." you said as you smiled

" [y/n]! mio dio.. i miss you!! we miss you.. how did you get here?! " he said as he ran to you and hugged you tightly, you giggled and hugged him back

" why don't we go back to the hideout.. we all can talk about this there and im really tired from the trip.." you said again as you walked pass him. Without warning Ezio scooped you up in his arms and brought you like a bridal style.

" Ezio! put me down.. i can walk by myself.."

" no, you said you are tired.. i'll take you to my horse.."

" but brother.. you'll draw us much attention.."

" then we go to the rooftops"

" could you just please put me down?? "

" no "

You sighed just because of Ezio didn't want to put you down. So you were being carried all the way to his horse. Along the way on the horse , you started a conversation

" so.. how are you and the others?.."you asked

" we are all fine, as long as you here we will be happy.... how did you get here, [y/n]?"

" i would like to explain to you, but for the best i'll tell you when we get back.. "

He nodded as we continued rode to the hideout. It only took ten minutes to get there. You and Ezio dismounted his horse and walked to the hideout, but you stopped in the front door.

" [y/n] are you alright?.." Ezio asked

" i.. im fine i just.. missed you and this place that's all..."

" well.. you're here now.. come.."

With that you come inside with a happy smile on your face, you were so glad that you meet them again.

Author's note:
Hey! I finally made it! yay i hope you enjoy this chapter and Happy Eid Mubarak guys!! im sorry this chapter took soo long ok so

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