Chapter 25

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Peter was shocked and he froze there as Connor ran to you.

"(y/n)!! We were so worried about you! where have you been?" Connor said in worried as he glanced at Peter. "(Y/n) who is he?" he asked, mentioning to Peter.

"Well.. um.. Pet-" you were about to explain but Peter burst out.

"Hey you look familiar.. Like.. Connor yes! Im a big fan of Assassin's Creed" He said happily.

There was an awkward moment for a few minutes and you decided to break it so you coughed awkwardly " okay... umm Peter come head inside my house" you said.

You grabbed Peter's wrist and dragged him inside your house. You close your door andlocked it.When he walked in his eyes widen as he saw the other two master assassins

" (Y/n)? theres.. are they_" before he can continued the question, you cut him off and explain everything

" Listen, this may sounds crazy but they ARE the real Assassins from the game and somehow they came to our dimension.." you trailed off and explaining to him about everything even the one when you tried to control him, plus you don't know why but you thought that you could trust him.

After a long story telling to him, he was taken aback by everything you said , with the features on his face you could tell that he was trying to process everything.

" I want you to keep this a secret, I really meant it Peter" you ensured him as he nodded his head nervously.

" then how are we going to get them back to their dimension?.." he asked.

" that's the problem, I don't know how to get them back"

"how about the Compass you mentioned"

You shook your head, " anyway we'll think about it further later"

Altair mentioned you to go to the kitchen, while Peter was talking to the other two, you walked into the kitchen as Altair came after you (and pin you to the wall and kissed you JK JK Mwuahahaha Patience my dear Readers ill make the romance soon ;) if ya want thooo) and said, " Are you sure we can trust Peter? He could be dangerous"

You nodded and tried to reassuring him, "I think we could Altair" He then nodded as you two return to the others.

You, Peter and the others started to getting to know each other. Peter told you about his life story and stuff, he said that his father died and now he only lived with his mother. You pity him and got sad a little, remembering that both of your parents are gone.

~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~

2 weeks Later

It has been a while since you knew Peter, you all gotten pretty close between the others, including the Assassins. You unlocked your door and walked in as you flop to your couch and put your bag down beside the couch, you sigh in relief 'finally school is over' you thought, you heard a familiar chuckling as you look up you saw Ezio hovering above you.

" how was your lesson, dear sister? You seem like you had fun" He said sarcastically, you groaned tiredly 

" School is like Hell" 

" Really, dear? Have you ever been in hell before?' he retorted back to you. You stayed silent for a minute ' well.. He's right for one thing' you thought as you sighed.

" it was tiring Ezio thanks. How are you? And are the others all fine?" Ezio nodded to you. Then the guys came up to the living room and greeted you, you've been thinking that you probably should get them to your school.

" Hey guys, I've been thinking how about I take you guys to my school. That way you could learn about our dimension more" you requested at them, they thought about it as Altair spoke up,

"I think that would be good for us and we do need some knowledge from here"

Connor was also agreed, " Yes I would come too then beside there is nothing to do here"

" well I agree too, plus we could all see (Y/n) more!" Ezio exclaimed cheerfully

You smiled, " alright then, I'll sign you all up in my school next week.

After then you al chit-chat about stuff when you heard a knock on the door, you walked up to the door and opened it, it was Peter who was carrying a backpack.

"Hey peter, come on in!" he came in and as usual he was always came to visit you almost every week. Probably because of that he wanted to meet the assasins since he's a bigfan of them or he wanted to meet you. Peter came up to the guys and bro-fisted them on each other, yeah the assassin did the brofist (xD ik ik weird but brofist is cool am I right? Join the BroArmy)

You giggled at them, you all gathered up as Peter spoke, "guys I think I may have find the way to take you back home"

The assassins were surprised by this even you were too. "How? How can we get home?" Connor asked sounding desperate.

" I read some it on a book about sorcery and ancient things in the library " he said, taking out a thick book and put it down on the table before he continued again "it says 'that if you want to travel back in time or to another dimension you required the thing that is from its own dimension or past, you must hold the thing while saying the spell [Taxidevo Ein Devorta]. However the thing must also have sorcery and it mustn't existed in your dimension, the spell will not work"

"so we will have to fine the thing that magical" Peter said again

" we could use the Compass" you thought out loud, you all finally discussed about it.

All day after you talked about the traveling to another dimension, you had fun times with them too as the day went dark, Peter got up and said,

"we will continue our discussion tomorrow again alright, it's late and I have to go home. My mother is probably worried about me now" You nodded in understanding and opening up the door for him

" Thanks for the meal by the way (y/n)" he thanked you while smiling cheekily at you.

" anytime Peter, tell us if you got another important information"

" will do! " he shouted as he walked down the blocks, slowly fading away from your sight.

You walked back in the house and sigh in relief and tired to,

"alright guys do whatever you want, I'm going to hit the bed"

"hit the bed? Why would you hit the bed? You will get hurt." Ezio said in both confusion and worried.

You giggled and shook your head, "it was just an expression Ezio, what I mean was Im going to go to sleep" you smiled.

" Languages these days, it is so foreign" Altair said back.

You smiled again and told the boys a goodnight then you walked into your bedroom. You took a quick shower and put on your pajamas or night clothes (whatever you wear at night xD), laying down on the bed and started to fall asleep.

Authors Note:

Welp Thats it guys  i hope you enjoyed it and thanks to you all for reading my story ^^ and this is another longer chapter xD plus im sorry that i haven't update or anything in months. Btw after this chapter something new is about to happen in the next chapter. and you will be surprised. Or not xD i guess thats all from me thanks again dear readers! me and the Assassins wuv chu ^3^

ps: sorry for the grammar mistakes and miss-typing

Arigatou Gozaimasu reader-chan!


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