Chapter 21

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The four of you went back to the hideout, well with Ezio clinging to your arm all the way home.

Like usual, Altair started to asking you tons of questions and Connor well.. quiet as always.

" i guess its time for me to go home" you sighed, but Ezio hugged you again.

" promise us you will not forget about us? " The italian assassin whined.

" Of course i will, you're all my brothers " you giggles at Ezio who was acting like a child. You all started to say a proper goodbye and they gave you a group hug.

" Thanks for everything you've for me guys, you really made my life turn amazing. "  You smiled at them.

" No (y/n). Thank You " Altair replied with a bright smile.

You pushes the small button on the compass and then you started to fading away. The last thing you saw was the assassins waving goodbye at you.


When everything cleared, you realized that you were back in your bedroom. You look around to the clock, it was about 7pm and it friday, so you had no school for the next day.

You sighed feelig lonely again, your parents haven't gone home yet and that made you worried and suspicious. You shruged them all off and changed to your pjms.

You decided to order a pizza since you were hungry.  After the pizza came, you payed for it and brought it to your bedroom. Opening up your laptop, you started to roaming through the internet while eating the pizza.

Eventually you went to bed around 8 in the evening, you put the compass on your desk beside the alarm clock. You lay on your bed and drifted off to dreamland, little did you know the compass was glowing.

===• Next Day •===




You groggily turned your alarm off and went back to sleep. A few minutes later, you felt like someone was poking you. You slowly open your eyes to see Ezio, then you rolled back to sleep

" ughh Ezio, Five more minutes.." You said. He chuckled as your eyes snapped open, realizing he was here.

" Wait Ezio!??" You jolted up and rubbed your eyes.

He chuckled once again,
" fancy meeting you again " he smiled.

" where's the others? "

Ezio stepped aside and you saw the others behind him.

" Guys! how did you get here?? "

" We could asking that to ourselves"

Connor said as Altair nodded.

" well guys, i can only welcome you here" you smiled and yawned.

You got up and lead the biys to the living room downstairs, 
" you guys can wait here, Im going to take a quick shower " with that you walked ul stairs again and went to the bathroom.

After shower, you put on your clothes and went downstairs only to saw Ezio observing an Oreo biscuits, Altair was poking the tv screen looking at the channel which is news program while holding the remote and Connor, he just sat on the couch watching the whole madness.

You giggled making the boys looked at you, Altair asked you
" (y/n).. I was pressing this small button and a man appeared. How can this man in this big box? , How can he fit in there? and where did he come from?"

" well Altair, thats a tv where you can watch everything there. "

" i see... it's interesting.. so the man is not here? " he asked again.

" Nope "

Ezio walked to you holding the Oreo in his hand,
" may i ask what this is? "

" its a cookie named Oreo " you chuckled. " you should eat it "

He tilted his head and puts the oreo in his mouth munching it.
" Mio dio! this is good! where did you get this? "

" At the nearest store, of course "

" i have to get this cookie in my time.." he flopped back to the couch.

" are you guys hungry? " you asked and they nodded. So you walked to the kitchen and started making waffles. Connor came in,
" May i help you? " You nodded.

" thank you "

" it's not a problem " he smiled.

You and him started to make waffles, you laughed when you saw Connor covered in flour and he chuckled.

" this is interesting (y/n). What is the name of this food? " He asked.

" Oh this is waffles and believe me it will taste better then the look"

You and Connor were finally done making the waffles and you put them on the table,

" Guys!! breakfast is readyy! " you shouted and the two assassin came in. You all sat down and started to eat,

" This is much better the bread in out time! " Altair exclaimed as he continued to eat the waffles and Ezio nodded in agreement.

" Oh guys you have so much to learn in the 21st century" you giggles as you eat.

A/n:  Hey! So thats all for chapter 21! Thank you guys for reading my story, even though its sucks xD oh well anyway I'll make sure i will update soon! And if there's any suggestions, please leave it down the comment bellow!
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Until then..

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