Chapter 23

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" are you (y/n) (l/n)? " he, the police, asked.

You tensed up but you tried to not show any emotion to the police and nodded,

" yes, yes i am. Is there anything i could help you with, officer?"

He shook his head and gave you a sad look. You were confused by this as he gave you a letter you took it,

" I'm terribly sorry and good evening, miss (l/n)" he said as he tipped his hat and walked away.

You came in and opened up the letter. You began to read it,

" (y/n), who was that? and what's in that letter? " Altair asked you while slowly approached you.

You felt your eyes started to fill with tears as they dripped to the paper. You fell on your knees and began to sob. The others saw this and quickly ran to you.

" (y/n)!! What's wrong??" Altair asked in worried as he hugged you.

All the assassins scurried all around you while you burst out crying uncontrollably, they asked you what was wrong and you gave them the letter.

" let me read it " Connor said while taking the letter. As he read it, his face went sad and looked down.

" what is it?? " Ezio asked desperately.

" her parents.. They got an accident.. they.. didn't make it"

Thats right, your parents were gone because of a car accident..

Altair tried to calmed you down as you cried on his shoulder, the others gave sympathetic look. After a few minutes, you calmed down and fell asleep in Altair's arms.

" You should put her in her room and let her rest, she'll be better tomorrow.. i hope. " Ezio sighed.

The two assassin agreed as Altair picked you up and brought you to your room. He carefully put you on your bed and put a blanket over you. He came downstairs again and sat on the couch. All the assassin gathered up in the living room,

" what should we do? " Ezio questioned.

" We should do something that can cheer her up " Altair replied.

" How? "

" i think i know " Connor had an idea, since you taught him on how to make waffles so he decided to make it for you for breakfast.

======= Next Day =======

You woke up groggily and slowly sat up, you realized that one of the boys must had brought you here then you thought on what had happened yesterday. You felt so empty inside, your parents were everything to you. They treated you like you're their precious thing but they are gone now, you began sobbed again. You wiped your tears away and stood up.

You walked downstairs smelling some waffles had been made, when you reached downstairs you went to the kitchen to get a glass of milk but you looked around the kitchen and gaped. The kitchen was so messy. You turned around to see the trio standing there, connor was holding a plate of waffles.

" We thought about on cheering you up so we made you this " Connor said and smiled slightly, "Even though yours are better than mine"

" and we're sorry to messing up your kitchen " Ezio added as he scratched behind his neck.

" we promise we will clean it up " exclaimed Altair.

With that you smiled widely as you ran up to them, hugging them.

" Thanks guys " that was all you could say.

===== Time Skip to Afternoon (after you and the guys cleaned up the kitchen lol) ===

" Haha! You're broke Altair! " You laughed at him.

You guys were playing Monopoly and apparently Altair was having a bad luck, he was running out all of his money. You played as the Top hat, Connor was as Battleship , Ezio was Shoe and Altair was Automobile. You guys had a fun time and the boys learned many things. You felt hungry so you decided to order a pizza,

" Hm.. Are you guys hungry?? "

They all nodded their head and with that you went to the kitchen as you grabbed your phone and called the pizza delivery.

After about 15 minutes the pizza finally came, you opened the door and payed the pizza guy.

You came back to the living room with the box and put it on the table.

"Hm? what's that, (y/n)? " Ezio asked as he pointed at the pizza.

"well it's called pizza and believe me this is the best food in the world" you answered with a bright smile.

Altair tilted his head to the side and watched you as you opened up the pizza box,

" Go take a slice, guys" you took one and started eating it.

Each of them took one slice and took a bite,

"You were right, this is delicious!" Connor exclaim and ate the slice up.

You smile as you sat down watching the tv while eating the pizza. Then after awhile, you heard another knock on your door.

"huh? who could that be?" you asked yourself as walked to the door and opened it again, revealing Peter.


A/N: Hai im backkk and i hope you all enjoy this chapter 23 I'll try to update later more often. School have been making me busy for awhile. So yeahh thats that, thank you guys for reading my story! Cx





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