Chapter 16

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~Your POV~
Darkness was all i saw, then that lady 'Minerva' came up.

" hurry child, you have to find the piece of eden before it is too late!"
She said

" i know.. But where can i find it??.." I asked

" your question will be answered soon, child" she replied and continued
" one more thing i need to tell you.."

" what is it..? "

" this Piece of Eden is more powerful than you think, but only You can control this 'power'..."

' What? Does she mean by this Power'?? And why me??' I thought then asked
" why only me? And what kind of power is this? "

" because child, you're the choosen one and this power is like somekind of a force however you have to learn how to control this 'power'..."

' a force?! Is this star wars or something..?' I thought
" what do you mean by 'force'? I asked confusedly, but she just shook her head.

" you will have your answer soon, child. Now go.. You do not have much time.."

" wha--?"
Before i can ask any other question, i fell unconscious again. By the time i woke up, i was lying on the ground. When my vision began to clear, I realized that i was in some kind of a... Cell or like a.. Jail..?

Normal POV

When you woke up, your head was throbbing so bad as you sat up slowly. You tried to hold your head, but can't. You realized that your hands were tied up behind your back and the rope continued to the wall behind you .

" what the heck?!.." You mumbled as you wiggled your wrist. Then you remember that you and Connor got attacked, then it hit you. ' Where am i?! What happened to Connor?! Where is he?? Is he okay?! ' you thought and began to panicked. You looked to your surroundings when you heard footsteps coming to your cell.

When it came closer, a man appeared as you slowly glanced up to him.
" so finally you are awake.." He said plainly and told the guards to opened up your door cell. He came in and stood in front of you.

" who are you?! Where am i?!.." You growled.

He chuckled and said,
" first, my name is Daniel Robinson and second, you are in our fortress.."

" you bastard!! Where is Connor?! " you snapped at him. He then kneeled down and slapped you.
" don't you dare use that word on me!!" He yelled and stood up.

" anyway we took care of your 'friend'..."

" what do you want from me?!"

" ohh.. there is so many things i want from you.." He said as he unsheathed his sword and point it at you. You froze and stop breathing for a second.
" i want to take your life since you killed my brother... But i and my new Friend here had discussed to not take your life..yet. She was the one who found the Piece Of Eden" he said as he caressing your cheek with the cold sword, you shivered.

He chuckled again, then sheathed his sword and signaling someone to come in to the cell. When you saw 'someone' clearly, you were surprised. " thiffany.." You muttered

" hey there, bitch... How is it going there? " she teased. You glared at her and wiggling your wrist, hoping that you could punch her in the face.
" im sure you know each other.." Daniel said as he smirked. " now dear where is the Piece Of Eden?.." He asked to Thiffany, as she giggled. She put her hand in her pocket and pulled out the Compass, giving it to him.

" i've heard the rumors that Only the Choosen One can control this.. And I've heard that You are the choosen one.." He said and kneeled down again, starting at you.

" and i want to prove it.. That not only the choosen one can control this.."

" You dont even no how to use it!!.." You yelled as struggled helplessly.

" ohh.. But i know, i have heard the others to.. The Apple of Eden.. I know what its power.."

You were nervous in every second, and thought that you have to get out of here.. And fast!

Daniel then held the Comppass in front of you and it was started to glow..

" see?... I know how this work.. Now,you might get a little pain by this.." he said evilly.

Then you felt your head is throbbing really bad you tried to resist it ' he is going to control me..! Im sorry.. My brothers...' You thought then you felt like your brains was crushed slowly, you screamed from the pain. Then you slowly faded away again.

A/N: heyyyy immm sorryyyyyyy, really i am. School is driving my crazy now gahh! Anyway here is chapter 16 hope you like it and srry bout the grammar problem and ik its short too.. But hey.. Thx for reading this..
I've been busy reading my Assassin's Creed Revelation book! Yay! Lol ok so thx again guys
Sorry if there is any mistakes
Thx guys..

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