Chapter 15

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" Thiffany..."

" who is Thiffany..?" Altair asked who was confused.

" i.. uhh s-she is.." you said but shuttered, you bit your lips then sighed." she is.. my enemy " you said before continued " Altair.. you said that you find this when one guard got away, right..?", he nodded.

'maybe she was the one who had the compass.. but how?... maybe she was lost in this world maybe she dropped her phone and this 'guard' took it... maybe.. just maybe..'
you thought as someone tapped your shoulder and made you jumped a little
" ohh uhh Altair.. I forgot you were there.." you said

" I didn't mean to scare you.. but you seem lost.. what is it?.." he asked.

You thought for a while then told him
" i don't know Altair.. i think Thiffany was the one who take the piece of eden but im still confused.."

" we will find it... no matter what happen, you have my promise.." he said

" i guess so.. thanks Altair.."

" not a problem.. you're our sister remember..?" he said as he smiled

" yeah.."

" come.. lets join the others.." he said as he walked to Connor and Ezio

After that you decided to tell about who Thiffany is, what she did to you. Ezio commented but actually almost yelled
" so why dont you kill her..?! nobody treat my sister like that! "

" I appreciate that.. but it's harder than you think, Ezio.."

" oh but she will die in my blade.."

" Ezio.."

he chuckled and raised his hands up
" im just joking..."

" so you have been thinking that she stole the 'piece of eden' from you?.. " Connor asked, you nodded then you continued
" but.. maybe she drop this or something.. I don't know.." a sigh escaped from you.

" it's alright.. we will help you.." Altair said, you nodded and he continued
" its late.. we should all get rest.. "
you all agreed and you went to you to your room to get some sleep.

The next day, you come out from your room and greeted by the Three Assassins, they were eating. You joined them and when you done Connor talked to you
" hey [y/n]... would you accompanying to the town..? i have stuff to get.. "

" sure thing Connor " you responded

" alright.. go prepare yourself.. i will be waiting on the main door.." he ordered and you nodded

You went to your room and got your stuff, you met Altair when you made your way to the main door.
" where are you going..? " he asked

" im just going to accompany Connor.."

he nodded and said,
" very well.. be careful.. i heard that there was more guards around...."

" thank you Altair.."

With that you made to the main door and saw Connor who was waiting for you
" are you ready?.." he asked
" as always.. "

He nodded, then the both of you got out from the hideout and started walking down down the street and of course being stealthy to from the guards. Connor said that he needed to go to shop to buy some stuff. You and Connor started a conversation during your way.
" so Thiffany is your enemy in the future?... "

" yes.. she is.."

" she really did hate you until she hurt you physically..?"

" yes just once.."

" why didn't you fight back?.."

" because I've never met you guys before.. but after what you taught me.. i got to kick her gut once.." you answered him as he chuckled. You continued to walk down the streets, passed a several building and a market, 15 minutes later Connor stopped right in front of a building, you asked
" is this where we should get your stuff?.." he just nodded and ordered you to come in.

After he got what he needed, you and Connor made your way to back to hideout. In the middle of the way a guard caught an eye on you and he started to yelling to get the others. Connor instantly grabbed your arm and started to running.

Unfortunately, there were so many guards in front of you and you got into a fight with them, you back to back with Connor and started to kill them one by one. But that day, luck wasn't with you, more guards came up and you were out numbered. You and Connor tried to stand your ground, Connor was fighting with a big armored guard and you saw a guard walked up to him from behind and he was going to knock Connor out. On the other hand, you were busy, many guards targeting on you, the guard was about to hit Connor on the back,you yelled to Connor
" Connor! look out!.."

but it was to late he collapsed to the ground as the other guards managed to knock your sword out, they held you as you struggled but the a sharp pain came to the back of your head. And in sudden everything went dark..

A/n: hey guys!! im so so sorry for not updating but hey I finally done it.. phew i can't believe it this was long.. i spent my boring day writing.. lol anyway as always thank you so much guys for reading this ive got 1,2k yay! im so happy * turns on the Happy song* ~because I'm happy! clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!~ lol if there's a suggestion, leave a comment k
thx guys
how many votes can i have?

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