Chapter 4

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You and Connor went to the practicing area. Connor told you to go first then you picked up your bow and arrow. Your bow was quite cool, it had some kind of a symbol on its grip. You got ready to bow and then focused on your target (the target is like a dummy) and then  Swoot! you let go the arrow but missed the dummy 'dammit' you thought, you gave look to Connor who was standing a few meter behind you, you gave a look like ' try again? ' and he nodded

You focused on your target again, when you pulled the arrow in sudden you felt Connor's hand on your arm " keep your arm as high as your shoulder " he whispered, you blushed a little, with that he let go and whisper again "Now.."

You let go the arrow and it fell to the dummy's chest, you felt very proud about it " thank you, brother! " you thanked him
" you are welcomed " he said as he smiled, you smiled back and continued practicing your archery.

After spending your time for your archery with Connor you went to meet Ezio and Altair. They seem to talking about something
" what you are guys talking about? " you asked
" we will have to go to the other town... " Altair said, your eyebrows raised with a confused look " we have a mission to kill a templar and its on the other town, the trip will took a half day. We will go there tomorrow " Ezio explained.
" why dont we go there now? i mean if we go now then we would be there in the morning..." you said, they all think for a moment then Altair spoke up
" i think it is a good idea..."
" Bene!! We all have to get ready now..." Ezio added and you nodded

You went to your room and prepared all things ready your sword, hidden blade and especially...your throwing knifes. (A/N: ok... so you here are very good at throwing knife.. you were like the master of it Lol) After that, you went to the hideout's main room and saw Connor was ready and he was playing with his tomahawk ' dang that tomahawk is awesome ' you thought " hey Connor thanks again for teaching me how to use a bow... " you said to him, he looked up to you and smirked
" you can join me for a hunt someday..." he told you. A smile appeared on your face " i would love to... thank you " you said and he nodded. After a while Altair and Ezio came up " ready? " Altair said
" Always " you answered him.

You were all on the way to the other town, you took the grey horse, Altair the black one, Ezio the white, and Connor the brown one.
You all rode for 4 hours. Its almost in the middle of the night.
" Alright, we will take a break here and rest, towmorrow we will continue " Altair ordered and he added " and i will tell the plan for tomorrow mission "
The three of you nodded and you got off from your horse. There was a tree, so you tied your horse to it. The other did the same. Connor made up a campfire or sort of, then you all sat on the ground. Altair told us the plan for the mission. The templar that you chase is Anthony Robinson ( A/N: Lol im sorry im bad at name )
" Get some sleep, tomorrow we will do our mission " Altair said

You all went to get some sleep, in your sleep you had a dream.

Author notes: hi! Thank you guys for reading this, i really appreciate it
Btw im sorry if my grammar wasnt good lol
Vote, comment lol

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