Chapter 7

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You woke up in a room then you remembered what had happened ' i thought i was dead..' you thought
You realized that you didnt wore your Assassin robe and that made you realized one more thing ' The compass!.. where is it?.... How long did i unconscious?... is it the fifth day!?.. '
You wanted to get up and pain was all you got,
" hey.. calm down.." You heard a voice and you turned your head to a man beside you, it was the doctor who helped Connor.
" i'll tell the rest, you stay here, understood? " he said, you nodded as you said " thank you.. "
He smiled and then walked out to the door. After that Ezio, Altair and Connor came up. Altair talked first " are you alright?.."

" yeah, im fine i guess. What happened? " you asked

" i saw you fell on your knees and blood on your hand " Ezio said

" what about his brother? "

Connor shook his head and joined in " he managed to get a way when i heard Ezio yelled "

" im sorry.. i- " you were cut off by Altair.
" no.. its fine. You did not know what was coming to you.." you nodded
" how long was i out? "
You asked.

" about 2 days..."
Ezio answered and you remembered something to say to them.
" wheres my robe?.."

" you are still healing up.. why you want your robe back.." Connor said again.

" i.. uhh.. i need it.."

He shook his head " you know you are terrible at lying... It is alright.. what is it?.. You can tell us.. no matter if it is good or bad"

With that you sigh and slowly sat up "fine... just give me my robe first." Ezio got your robe and you took out the compass. They got confused then you started to explained everything to them.
" i met a lady in my dream before we attacked the templar fortress. Her name is Minerva. She said that this thing could bring me home to my time. sh- she gave 5 days to tell you all, this thing is like piece of eden.. i dont know how to say this to you before... but.. well now you knew.."
You explained with your head down. Connor asked again " is that mean you have 3 days left? " you nodded

" so.. why you looked so sad? "

" guys... dont you get it? i loved being here.. with you, have fun, no school...(A/n: yeah ik :D
I hate school) i learned everything in here.. but i have one thing that i should protect.. my family and my friends back there in the still confused.... guys you are not real none of you existed, i dont know... but it feel so real"
You said, they when quite for a moment then Altair put his hand on your shoulder gently and spoke " maybe we are really do not existed but remember Nothing is True... and Everything is..." you joined him
"Permitted" you smiled and he smiled back
and you gave them a hug, they were shock at this reaction but they hug you back slowly because they dont want to hurt you.
" thank you so much guys... " you let go and then they all smiled.

" why dont we have fun for the rest of the day? " Ezio added but Altair cut him off " no, she need to get rest.. we... will have fun tomorrow... "

Everyone nodded, then Altair put you down on the bed " try to get some rest... and do not move so much if you do not want to open that wound.." your only responed with a nod. The three Assassins walked out from the room and closed the door. You laid down on the bed while you held your compass in your hand rubbing it and lost in thought again.
' what now? Is this the last moment i meet them? But they are not real.. i can stay here if i want... what are you thinking [y/n]?!You have to go back home! Your parents are worried sick... what choice do you have? '
"Ughhh" you grumbled and tried to sleep until darkness was all you saw.

A/N: Bello! How was it? Tell me what you think 'bout my story lol and sorry if there was a mistake
I found the photo on internet :p lol
Soo.... thats all thank you guys for reading it lol

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