Chapter 32

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There you were tied to the chair or rather, strapped down. You could barely move an inch, well atleast you were sitting not hanging from the ceiling. There was a camcorder right in front of you, but it wasnt on yet. They made you starve, your stomach was growling badly but they didn't hurt you yet. You were confused at first.

After a couple minutes later two person came in,

"hello dear" that familiar voice rang through your ear, the one who you called 'mother'.

"Hi Mom" you growled sarcastically before a man walked in, father.

"oh dont be like that hun, dont you know how to greet your beloved mother properly?" She asked with a fake sweet tone.

You stayed silent and noticed your father had turned on the camcorder.

"what's that for?" you asked as you look at the cam.

"oh this? this is just my friend, this buddy here will send a message to your so called friend" You father explained.

Your mind clicked, they're going to lure in the assassins! With that you struggle more even its hopeless.

"No!! You wont! Leave them alone!" You shouted only to be smacked across the cheek.

"Shut up, you useless child." Mother said. You began to tear up slightly, afraid for the assassins sake. You looked up at them for the last time who brought what it looked like a gag and blinfold.

====== Meanwhile (Third POV) ======

Peter tried to think while Ezio and Connor in an argument. Altair tried to separate them both. Peter heard something beeping, but it was blocked by the shouting from Ezio and Connor.

"Altair i think i heard something!" Peter said to Altair, which made him growled and grabbed both of the two then smack their head on each other. (Alty dont be mean ;-;)

"Ow what the heck?!" Connor protested at Altair.

"Merda(shit) Altair what was that for?!"

"ENOUGH! Shut up you two!" He shouted. He turned to Peter and Peter told everyone to quiet down.




A faint beeping sound can be heard, Peter followed the sound as well as the boys which lead them to (y/n)'s room. The computer was on and there was a pop bar coming up.

Peter sat down on the chair and looked up at the computer. It read "You got a message. Accept? Yes or No." Peter clicked the yes button then a screen popped out.

They stare in horror as they saw (y/n)'s body slumped on a chair, she was gagged and blindfolded. Two person were standing beside her. A woman and man. Her parents.
Then they heard the male voice spoke up.

"Good day to you Assassins. As you can see now we have your dear (y/n). You want her back right? Bring us the Eden and she will be spared for her life. If not, well just watch and learn." He said before walking towards a tray. (y/n) struggled and shouting out through the gag. She got punched on the jaw by the woman.

"No!!" The assassins all scream at the screen except Peter who only shudder as he remember his torture.

The man came back to her and clamping something on her each hand, (y/n) flinched and groaned. Then the man pulled down a lever causing (y/n) to jolted up her seat while  she let out a pained muffled scream as the electricity ran through her body.

Watching this made the assassins hearts shattered. They couldnt bare watch her in pain, feeling guilty for causing her life in so much danger. Ezio looked down, a drop of tear flowling out from his eye as he heard her screaming in agony.

After 30 minutes, the torture had stop. (y/n) was twitching badly, her head hung down. The man held her chin up , making her looked at the camera and took off the blindfold and gag. They saw her face, her eyes were drenched with tears as she coughed.

"you have something to say dear daughter? Go on beg them to come to save your useless soul." the man said or you could say, her father.

"d-dont c-come here *huffs* guys... Please k-keep the eden s-save.. i b-beg you.." She said with a cracked and broken voice but then her head git thrown to the chair head rest which was made or of metal.

"Ahh!" (y/n) groaned and finally went unconscious again.

"stupid girl," the Father said before looking at the camera again, "Bring. The. Eden. or next time, she won't be so much breathing anymore. You have 2 days" He growled then the screen went off into a static.

The whole room was silent, nobody believed what they just saw. Ezio stormed out from the room without saying any word while the rest was still in the room.

"We dont know where she is." Altair broke the silent. "how can we get there if we dont know where she is"

Peter began to scrambled the keyboard and clicking tbe mouse, "i can hack down the system and locate where she is. But... it might take awhile"

"Then Do it!!" Connor finally brusted out, breathing heavily. Altair tried to calm Connor down, as much as it hurt for Altair too but he have to keep him down.

===== Ezio POV =====

'Those bastard parents how dare they!' i growled while punching the wall. I felt somthing wet ran down my cheek. I wiped it off. Tears. It has been so long since i cried, last time was when My father and my brothers were hanged . Now this, i swear. Those people, no, those Demons will pay. They will pay for what they done to (y/n).

I sighed and sat down on the couch, holding my fist. I heard footsteps coming down. I saw Altair and Connor. Altair walkes toward with a slight smile.

"What?" I asked with a frown.

"Peter can locate where (y/n) is!" He informed. This made me jumped out of the seat.


Altair started to explain everythig to me. He said Peter will try to hack? what is that mean? ah oh well as long as he can locate her. Im ready to kill those bastardo.

We waited for few hours, all the three of us were training in the backyard. Peter hadn't stop working. He was eager to find her, well we all do too. Hence why we were training more.

As we were fighting, Peter tumbled out from the back door.


We all freezed in place, dropping our sword and weapons then ran up to Peter.

"shesnotfarfromherejustinanothertown" He said quickly making us hard to process what he said.

"slow down" Altair sighed.

Peter took a deep breath as he said again, "she's not far from here just in another town and it will take 6 hours from here"

"lets go then!" Connor shouted.

"rock and roll" Peter said.






Oooooo they're going to save your butt again! Be prepared ny reader!and Surprised!!!! Another Chapter in a quick time! Stay tunned guys! Thank you all for reading! ^^ hope you enjoyed it!
Next chappy will be tense.


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