Chapter 8

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The next morning, you woke up a half excited and a half sad. Your wound was a lot better than yesterday. You went out from your room then met the three Assassins, they all looked up to you and smiled " boungiorno(good morning) sister " Ezio said you replied " good morning too.. guys" you walked up to them and then Connor gave you a bread, you nodded as a thank and.. he just smiled. Typical Connor.

" how is your wound ?" Altair asked then you answered him "much better than before thank you. alright boys i have made my decision.." you sighed and continued " i have to go home. i have to go back to the my time.." Connor joined up this time " [y/n] it is alright, you made your decision and that is a good thing.. but we sure will miss you" he smiled and you smiled back.

" Are you ready, dear sister ? " Ezio asked again, you raised your eyebrow.

" ready for what ?"

" well... you are going home in 2 days, correct?" you nodded and he continued

" good because we are spending our time with you having fun for our last moment.."

" really..?"

" si.. [y/n] "

You looked to Altair because he was like the boss lol and he nodded as an agreement, you smiled and said " so when do we start..? "

" we start now...." Altair said and smirked.

You and the three assassins went out from the Hideout but before you go, you took your iphone and a power bank ( a/n: lets just say you have an infinity power bank and its small lol ) and then you hopped onto your horse. You followed where they were going.

" guys where are we going..? " you asked

" just keep up with us.. " Altair stated and you sighed

After about 15 minutes, you stopped at a beautiful river and a several tree around it.

" guys... it is... Outstanding... " you were just amazed by the scenery.

The three Assassins jumped off their horse and you did the same thing. You and the others tied up your horses to the nearest tree, then you walked up to the river. You took off your boots then took down your hood and walked into the river.

The cold water made you feel so fresh and calm then you looked to the Assassins who was just staring at you.

" well... are you going to join me or staring at me like an idiot?..." you spoke up and chuckled a little. Then they joined you except Altair. You, Ezio and Connor were splashing each other. After a while you came out from the river and then Altair showed up " had fun with them?..." he said and you giggled.

You walked around the river and you saw a movement at a tall grass, you were curious so you looked closer to it.
You looked closer...


and then....

it was nothing at all but a cute little fluffy white rabbit, it was so cute like you want to crush it.
" aww.. come here buddy. Its okay.. come on out..." you begged at it and the rabbit slowly came to you. You took it up to your hands and brought it to the Assassins

" hey guys, look what i found! " You said happily as they looked up to you.
" its rabbit..." Altair said and you nodded. Connor walked up to you and looked at it and talked
" thats not enough for lunch "
" What!!! Who said that this is for our lunch!? you mean you are gonna eat this?!.. No way.. do you even have a heart!? looked at this cute bunn!" you said almost yelled to him.
" sorry i thought you were hunting for our food "
" you better be sorry.. am i right buddy? " you replied as you petted the bunny and Ezio laughed
" where did you find it ? " asked Altair
" in that tall grass.. i think it lost from its family..." and then he nodded
" what should i call you?... Hmm... how about bun-bun? yeah thats a cute name.."

After about an hour played with bun-bun, you made a little necklace from a grass and decorated it then you put it on bun-bun's head so you could recognize him again. Later, you decided to look for his family and bun-bun suddenly hopped to somewhere " hey buddy wait up! where are you go- " before you could finish your sentence you saw bun-bun was with 2 big rabbit and a little rabbit, bun-bun hopped up and down telling that he was happy and hopped to you again
" i think you found your family again bun-bun.."
You said as you petted him again for the last time
" i guess i will see you again buddy... I will miss you " with that he and his family walked away and you went back to Assassins who was sitting in the ground
" so.. where is your rabbit now? " Ezio asked
" Bun-bun is back with his family now.." then there was an awkward silence for a while, then you started again
" so.. care to join me for a walk ..?" the three assassins nodded and smiled.

When you all walked at the edge of the beautiful river in sudden you had an funny idea, with that you walked up to Ezio and whispered your idea to Ezio. Then he walked up to Altair. Connor on the other hand was confused so you told him too.. with that he smirked widely.

Ezio started to walking with Altair and then spoke up..
" look!! There is bear a cross the river.." then Altair quickly looked where Ezio pointing at
" i dont see anything.."
" oh.. ok then " as Ezio smiled
" brother.. what are you planning to do..? " he suspiciously.
" i am doing nothing..."
Altair sighed and Ezio continued
" brother.. i have one more thing to say.." he looked up to Ezio " hmm..? " he hummed
" sink or swim.." within a second Ezio pushed Altair into the river " gahhhhh... elppp... "

You, Connor and Ezio brusted out laughing
" che diavolo(whats the hell), Altair? Its just water and its only around to your chest " then Altair froze and stood for a while but still in the river as he looked up to Ezio with a death look.
" uh-oh..Ezio you better for your life now.. " you said as Altair started to chased Ezio " ahhhh...." he yelled then you and Connor laughed more harder.
' this is another a best day of my life..' you thought
After all the chasing moment, you all got ready to get back to the hideout and then Ezio started up a conversation
" brother.. i was just joking and it was [y/n] idea " he said to Altair ' damn you Ezio '
" at least we had fun day today.." you joined in, with that Altair glanced at you and smiled slowly " i do had a little fun day today and i think i should learn how to swim... " you smiled as you all rode your horse and went back to the Hideout

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