Chapter 28

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You walked to your class and sat down, after a few minutes the teacher came in,

" Good morning students, today we're going to have new students" with that the teacher mentioned the new students to come in.

Like you expected it was Altair, Connor and Ezio. Surprisingly, no one seemed to notice them, maybe because they didn't wore they usual attire? Who knows, even peter thought Connor was a cosplayer. 'Oh well'

After the boring introduction, they sat down. Of course they had to put up fake name. Altair was as known as Alfonso, Ezio as Eric, and Connor as Chris. (still bad at names I just picked them out random sorry). Surprisingly, everyone took it very well no one got suspicions.

Then class started, which is Chemistry.

-----Time skip, brought to you by Connor blow up the class with chemicals---

All the four of you went out the class, laughing as you guys talked about what happened in the class. It was break time.

" man I wish I could see your face again at that time, Connor!" You laughed.

"Oh shut up (y/n) it was an accident" you almost thought that you noticed a bit of red tinned on his face as the others chuckled.

"Cmon guys lets go to the cafeteria"

They all nodded and followed you, along the way, some of the girls squealing whenever the assassins passed by them and of course Ezio winked at them. Typical Ezio.

Anyway you guys went to the cafeteria to eat, after that you all went to class again.

---------Time Skip ( im sorry forgive for time skips xD)--------

Home. Finally. You guys walked out form the school gate, with a tired face on the guys.

"Mio dio, school is tiring and boring" The italian guy whined.

"told ya you ain't gonna like it" you giggled.

"well but at least we did had a moment" Altair said with an amused tone as he glanced at Connor who is grumbling and muttering.

You all walked down on the path on your way home then you saw an ice cream stand, you guys decided to buy it. After that you continued they guys were talking about how good the ice cream was, you giggled at them knowing that they still have a lot to know. But as you walked behind the three suddenly a hand covered up on your mouth and your waist pulling you backwards into an empty alleyway.

"Don't do anything stupid you if you want to live" they whispered, it was a man voice.

You struggled all you might but this man had a strong grip, then you saw a glimpse of two other man, you thought it ways the guys but you were dead wrong.

"well well I think we finally found the girl" the taller guy said who seemed like he was the leader, he leaned in to your face with a smirk.

You growled and kicked him in where the sun doesn't shine, he yelped in pain and cursed. You chuckled but gasped and groaned painfully as the other one punched you in the gut. You still couldn't screamed since the hand still covering your mouth. 'ugh where are the guys when you need them?!'

"you should know better, (y/n)" he spat.

'wh-what? Who the heck is this guy?! How does he know my name??' you thought.

"we've been looking for you and those Assassins, you're gonna be the bait." The leader said again, with what your eyes widen as you looked at him.

"don't look so surprised, we know about them and you" he threw yet another two punches to your stomach again.

"so now we're goin' to take ya sweet cheeks" the other added.

"Oh we don't think so moi amico" you heard the oh so familiar voice.

The Assassins glared at the the three especially the one who was holding you.

" Back off assassin, another step and she's de-" the leader got cut off by Connor tackling him down as Ezio took care the other. As for you, you bit the guys hand on your mouth and kicked his leg. He screamed and let you go, then you fall on your knees as you coughed from the punches you took. Altair went rampage on the one who held you. Since you guys didn't bring anything you could only fight with your fist.

After they were done Altair helped you up and the two stood up protectively in front of you as the gang looked bloodied and they scrambled out from the alleyway, but the leader glared at you,

"we will find you! Just wait! They're looking for you!" with that he took off with the others.

You were surprised by them, looking for you?? Who? How the heck do they know about the assassins? Those questions kept flying in your head but Ezio brought you back to reality,

"Hey.. are you alright?" he asked you worriedly.

"yeah I guess im okay" you replied weakly, 'damn that guy sure did good on me' you groaned in pain.

"Nope she's not" Connor sighed.

"Lets just get home and rest" Altair quested as the other nodded in agreement, obviously.

You all went home with Altair carried you home like literally, you asked him to put you down but he refused.

Anyway when you went home, he put you down on the couch. Then Ezio showed up to you with an ice packed where he took it from your frigde,

"here put this on top of the bruises" He gave it to you as you took it and said thanks.

"who are they anyway? How did they know about us??" Altair as always started questioning you, you shook your head

" I have no idea but I know that we've got someone behind our back and we don't know it"

"then we have to prepared all the time" Connor added.

The rest of the day was all argument with Ezio about you going to school for tomorrow or not, in the end he let you but on one condition which was you always under their watch. Protective brothers. But then you all keep talking about Connor who blow up the class.

Authors Note: Well! That's that! Hope you enjoyed it ^^ oh and I think you guys are right, I was kinda putting the book of its road sooo I'll try to make the story more accurate, I really sorry for taking so long to update and for my grammar or mistakes. Okay! And big thanks for all of you reading my book! Its almost 20k reads!! I cant believe that! Anyway againnn thank you so much guys and keep up with me! Its not to late for request too!





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