Chapter 22

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You currently roaming to you closet, searching for some clothes. You got some piles of clothes and walked back to the living room.

" here i have some clothes. They're my cousins, i hope they're fit for you guys" You threw the clothes to the couch. They all grabbed some,

" you guys go change I'm gonna go take a quick shower " with that you ran upstairs and went to the bathroom to take shower.

After you took a shower, you went  downstairs to see the boys already changed their clothes. Altair wore a black shirt and a white hoodie. Ezio wore Red shirt said 'YOLO' and finally, Connor wore shirt and a blue jacket.

" oh my god, guys you look awesome! " You squealed.

Ezio crossed his arms and gave a cocky smirk at you,

" you like it, dear sister?" he said while winks at you.

You blushed as Altair hit Ezio with his elbow receiving a groan from the Italian and made Connor chuckled. You  sighed,

" Kay guys, you're all ready so lets go! "

You grabbed your phone and stuff. You walked out with the assassins behind and locked the door (A/N: you have a spare key so ya).

" Guys welcome to year 2016! " You smiled as the boys looked around.

" what is that? " asked Connor who was pointing at a car.

" well its the transportation called cars " you replied.

" impressive, it can go with out a horse leading in front of it " Altair exclaimed.

" that is because it runs with an engine "

" i see " he nodded.

You all continued walking around until you reached the park. There was an ice cream stand so you went to bought it, you gave each of the boys an ice cream.

" there you should try those " you smiled as they started to eat the ice cream.

" this taste is marvelous! " Connor shouted out.

'' well duh, its an ice cream" you giggled.

Then you went to the an abandoned playground you found, you sat on the monkey bars as the others found their own place to sat. You all chatted, laughed and finished your ice cream.

" hm... lets go watch a movie after this " you suggested,

" Movie?.. " Ezio tilted his head in confusion.

You giggled and jumped off the monkey bars,

" You'll see, come on lets go to a cinema "

With that you went to the cinema, its not far from the park so you decided to went there by foot. When you reached there you bought the tickets and watched ' The Conjuring 2', also you didn't forgot to bought  a popcorn.

" Popcorn?.. so its a corn got popped?..'' Connor asked an you nodded. (i wrote it pooped before xD)

" oh yeah, guys you have to be quiet when we get in the studio " You told them.

" why? " the Syrian assassin asked.

" just be quiet and enjoy the show " you said as you smiled.

All of you walked in studio 3 and sat on the seat you choose. Everything was going well until the first jumpscare came off, Ezio and Connor screeched and hugged each other. Altair gave no emotion while you tried to hold up your laughter. Everyone looked at the two with an odd look as they separated from each other, blushing in embarrassed.

====== Time Skip brought to you by ezio and connor riding a flying waffles =====

When you got home, you bursted out laughing hard,

" oh god guys.. what the heck was that?? " you laughed.

" I must say that was quite entertaining " Altiar chuckled.

The other two just stayed silent while crossing their arms. You on the other hand was laughing and rolling on the floor. 

" enough. its not that funny " Connor growled slightly.

You giggled and sat on the couch as you turned on your tv,

" anyway thank you guys, this is the best day ever i had fun with you all " You smiled>

" i agree. Even after that incident, i still had fun " said Ezio with a smile in his face and Connor nodded.

" thank you to you as well (y/n), you showed us around, you taught us many things today. " Altair said gratefully.

Your best day went on until

*ding dong*

Your ears perked up as the door bell rang,

" hang on guys "

You got up and walked to the door then opened it,

It was a police..

" are you (y/n) (l/n)?" he, the cop, asked.

A/N: DUN DUN DUNNN! Wassup guys?! Im Backk and here is the chapter 22! Anyway i hope you like it and thank you guys for reading my story :DD Oh and if you have some more suggestion or request leave it on comment! So stay tunned guys! i'll try to update soon for the next chapter!



See ya later! ^3^

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