Chapter 5

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You all went to go to sleep. In your sleep you had a dream...

~~~~~~ In the dream~~~~~~
You stood nowhere. it was all white, then you saw a lady
" Greetings [Y/N] "

" who are you? How do you know my name?.."

" my name is Minerva, i am the one who brought you here..."

You eyes widened up as you thought
' Minerva? The one that came before..?' then you asked..
" why.. why you brought me here..? "

" because you are the Choosen One, you have to guide the Assassins...."

You were surprised from what she said ' guide them? What for?... maybe if i guide them i could finally go home?' you thought in your mind and then spoke up
" after i guide them, will i come back home..? "

" yes, you will "

" "

" with this " with that she teleported to your side and in front of you there were a somekind of a compass, you took it and looked at it with your eyes wide open for a while then asked
" what is this? "

" this is a machine that could bring you back home.."

" machine? You mean like 'piece of Eden' "

" yes, you have 5 days "

" 5 days ? "

" yes, i give you 5 days to say to them... "

" but you said i have to guide them..? "

" you already guide them "

" so i have 5 days.."

" yes, but remember if you dont go home on the fifth day in the afternoon... that machine will not work.. you will remain here forever.."

" yes i will remember "

" very well then.. your time starts now .."
Then she disappeared

~~~~End of the dream~~~~

You woke up panting slightly and looked around, you were still with Altair, Ezio, and Connor. You tried to calm down.
' It was just a dream..' you thought, then you realized that you were holding something ' it was the compass '. You stood up and the sun was rising, you watched it as you thought 'my time starts now....'
you looked back at the compass or the Piece of Eden.

" ready to continue...? " Altair spoke up behind you made you almost jumped, you turned around and saw the three Assassins had woke up, you then nodded and put the compass in your pocket. You all mounted your horses and continued the trip. Your rode your horse as many question came through your mind
' can I finally go home? What about them? I loved being here.. but i still have my family in the future? What will my family say if i have gone for too long? if i go home will they( the Assassins) remember me? They are just a game. They are not real.'

All those questions were spining in your mind.
' My time starts now.... ' you thought again and again.

A/N : hi! Its me again Lol so yeah this is my story so far, i hope you enjoy it and again i am sorry if my grammar was bad lol
Anyways thank you guys for reading my story...
really appreciate it ok lol
Vote lol
Cya again

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