Chapter 14

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principessa -> princess


When you came inside the hideout, the memories came back to you. You remembered when you give them bread on the first day, the day that you fought together, practiced together and all.
" brother.. you are home? I thought you were on a mis-..." a familiar voice said but stopped. You looked beside you and saw... Altair.
" Altair.." you spoke

" [y-y/n].. ?"

" yes dear brother.. im back"

You can saw his smile even under his hood. " we.. we missed you, all of us missed you.. especially Ezio.." he said happily as you smiled at him.

" i missed you too.." you said. Then Altair yelled for Connor and then Connor came out, he was surprised and glad to see you too. Altair started to ask questions.
" how did you get here? " he asked

" i don't know how, all i know is that im here because Minerva sent me.."

Connor asked this time
" sent you? for what..? "

You didn't answer him for a while and thought for a second ' do I really have to tell them or I should find the compass alone?' but then Ezio got you out from your thoughts
" [y/n] why did she sent you? " he asked

" the com- i mean the piece of eden.. it's.. it is.. gone.. she sent me to find it.."

Altair became more curious about this and asked,
" what do you mean it is 'gone'?"

" it's been taken by somebody and i have to find it.."

" how did that happen? " Altair asked curiously.

" i was just doing my activity and got some sleep.. and then i met Minerva.. and then poof! here i am.. "

Ezio chuckled when you said the 'poof' word. You then yawned and felt tired from the trip.
" we will talk about this later.. now you can rest, dear sister.. I'm glad that you got back here.." Altair said as he friend hugged you (yass Alty here is hugging you yay!)
" thanks guys.. I'm so happy to see you again too " with that you walked into your old room. It was almost night and you got to your old comfy bed, when you were about to sleep you heard a knock on your door.
" come in.." you called as you sit up and went to the door. The door creaked open and a head peeked out. It was Connor

" hey.. [y/n] I brought you some food, I thought you would be hungry from your trip " he said
" Yeah.. i do felt hungry.. thank you Connor.." you replied as you took the food from him. Then you put your food on your desk and started to eat. After having a good dinner, you got up onto your bed, put your warm blanket on you and soon you fell into a deep sleep.

The next day you got up a bit late, you got up and walked outside from your room. You walked to the main hall to find your brothers but they were nowhere in sight, when you wanted to call their name you heard a clanking noise outside. So you went out to the practicing field and saw them all fighting each other. Ezio saw you first and said,
" ahh the principessa is awake.."
then they all looked at you
" sleep well? " Altair greeted as you nodded

" can i join? i want to practice my old skills, I haven't use it recently.." you said and Connor replied you.
" sure you can, come on.."

" guys i have an idea... we fight each other and whoever gets someone fall to the ground gets one point.." you told them and they all agreed.
You got ready as you griped your sword then the fight begun.. you fight and dodge.

After about 10 minutes Altair got two points, he was very hard for you, every time you swung your sword he blocked it. You were too focused on Altair and didn't notice Ezio behind you, then he managed to made you fall to the ground as he chuckled
" hehe.. one point for Ezio.." he said as he laughed, but then Connor slowly approached him from behind when you saw him, you smirked. With one move he made Ezio fall down,
" one point for me.." he said as he laughed. You noticed that Connor let his guard down and you tripped him over. You got up as you and Altair laughed at them.

" finally..! one point for me.." you said out loud before you continued,
" well.. that was fun.."

" indeed it is.. " Altair said and he chuckled.

" come on.. lets get back inside.." you suggested.

" [y/n].. Ezio and i have to go for a while.. we have check on the templars, i need you and Connor to stay here..." Altair said as you nodded

You and Connor got back inside the hideout and then he asked you about how did the piece of eden 'gone'? So you ended up to storytelling him.

" i have to find it... i dont know if this 'thief' is a friend or enemy.." you explained with a bit worry tone

" it is alright.. we will help you.. no matter what happens.. we will find it.." said Connor as he patted your back.

" yeah.. thanks Connor.."

After about 20 minutes, the main door swung open, revealed Ezio and Altair, covered in blood.
" what happened? " you asked worriedly.

" nothing.. but we heard that there's a new templar here.." Ezio replied. Then Altair approached you,
" Can i speak with you for a moment..? " he asked

" uhh.. sure.. "

Then you two walked to the practicing field, he took out something that looked like... 'an iPhone?' you thought.

" I found this when we attacked some guards.. I thought you might know this.. what was it name..? an.." he said but you cut him off

" an iPhone.." you said as you grabbed the iPhone before continued " where did you get this?.."

" i do not know.. i fought some guards but one of them ran away.. and they drop this..I thought this is yours.."

" Altair.. i.. this is not mine.."

" then who is this belong to?.."

You turn on it and fortunately it does not use a passcode, so you opened up the photos and saw pictures... and the iPhone was belong to..

" thiffany.."

Authors note:
hi! sorry i didn't update yet.. hehe so this is the chapter 14, what do you think? by the way thanks guys for voting my story lol really.. thanks
ok so.. keep up with me.. find out the next chapter.. toodless~
thx.. guys!

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