Chapter 27

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A/N: IM NOT DEADDD XD im back now sorry for the late update and making you guys wait for so long I've been busy ik ik last time I updated was October buuuut im here now. Even when it was holiday school keep makin me busy with homeworks, projects, etc. When I got back I was surprised when I saw my story went up to 15,9K!! Thank you guys so much! Now without further ado lets get on with da' chapter. Enjoy!

Third POV

(y/n) was playing hide and seek with the Assassins. Altair was the seeker as the others hid. Connor was hiding in the bathroom which he laid down in the bathtub while Ezio hiding in one of the kitchen cabinet. (y/n), on the other hand, was hiding in her own closet. Let's see what was going to happened.

Normal POV

You covered your mouth while holding in your giggled, you were the last one who haven't got caught yet. You buried yourself more into the closet as you heard footsteps approaching to you.




You close your eyes shut as you muffled your giggles, then suddenly the closet's door opened up revealing Altair with a smirk on his face. You quickly ran out but you squealed as he tackled you to the ground, you both laughed and when you look up your face was close to Altair's. You two went silent while your face heat up, Altair's face was flustered red. He then got up while helping you too,

" U-umm s-sorry I uhh..." he stammered.

" Yeah its o-okay" you said while looking down.

"Let's just... find the others" you quickly changed the subject.


Before you two walked out, you saw Connor and Ezio peeking on the door while smirking at you both, then you look at Altair and nodded. You and Altair grabbed the nearest pillow and chased the Assassins who were at the door. They laughed and ran away but eventually you hit Ezio on the face

"in yo' face Ezio'' you laughed.

Out of nowhere your face met with another pillow,

"oof!'' you fell to to the ground with a 'thud' and you saw Connor who was holding a pillow, laughing, yes people the cold ol' Connor is laughing. As you were about to hit him back the doorbell rang.

"always ruin the fun'' You sighed and walked to the front door as you opened the door, revealing Peter.

"Oh Peter! What a surprise, come on in" you moved away from the door so he could come in.

"thanks (y/n), I need to tell you guys something, where are the oth-" he was cut off by a pillow flopped on his face. You burst out laughing as Peter chuckled.

"Okay who did that?" He asked, glancing each one of the assassins.

Connor and Altair pointed to Ezio who was whistling as if he did nothing and then peter grabbed the pillow that hit his face before and charged at Ezio.

Aaaandd another pillow fight just started again.

~~~~~Timeskip brought to you by Peter and Ezio riding a flying pillow~~~~~

You flopped to the couch because you were tired from the pillow fight. You then remember that Peter was trying to tell you something before he was cut off,

"By the way, Peter what were you going to say?"

"Oh yeah I was going to say that there's certain people who know about the compass and might want to take it from you" He explained in a worried tone.

Altair as usual was deep in thought about it and asked,

"where did you hear about this information?''

"well this morning I was at a café not far from here and I heard someone talk about the compass so I thought I should tell you guys"

"Is that mean we've been spied? If so they might know about the assassins" you spoke.

The room went silent for awhile as everyone was thinking about the whole thing,

"well all we can do know is be alerted on our surroundings" Connor came up with a conclusion.

"we might want to find out is spying on us" Ezio muttered while holding his chin.

"true but we don't know where to start, we have no clue on them" you stated, "Did you saw who was speaking about it?" you glance at Peter and he shook his head.

"I don't know but I think... I think his voice sounds familiar yet a little different" he said.

"we'll find out eventually, now who wants pizza?"

~~~~~Next day~~~~~

You woke up in the morning while birds chirping outside, you sat up on your bed as you yawned. The first think you thought was School,

'School.. ugh.. well I think it won't be so bad for today since the boys are going to be new students'

You got up and woke up the boys in your parents room, well since your parents died you decided the assassins to sleep there. So they wouldn't be sleeping on the couch again or the floor. When you got in you giggled when you saw the others still snoring. Connor was sleeping with his mouth open on the couch-bed (idk what it called :v you know a couch that you can turn it into a bed) then Altair was on the bed still asleep also with his head dangling down

Lastly Ezio, he was on the floor, maybe he rolled out from the spare mattress which you laid it on the floor so one of them can sleep on the ground. You walked toward Connor since he was the nearest from the door, you poke his shoulder to wake him up but he turned.

You facepalmed and tried to wake up the other but alas, they were still sleeping soundly, you sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose while thinking a way to wake them up. Bingo! You had an idea.

You walked downstairs and entered the kitchen, grabbing a pan and a wooden spatula. Then you walked back upstairs back to the room, as you made sure that you were middle of the room you hit the spatula to the pan making a loud noise.


Like you thought the boys jolted up awake and pulling out their small dagger and hidden blade. You laughed at them,

"that wasn't funny (y/n), I thought something happened to you" Ezio sighed and you giggled.

"well it was your fault, i tried to woke you up in the easy way. Anyway guys go get ready, we're going to school"

After you told them what to do, you made some sandwiches, so when the others came downstairs you gave each of them a sandwich.

"Come on guys we need you hurry up because we're running late" you packed your things as they did too.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

After a couple minutes later, you all arrived at (your school name). You walked to the register office at school and lead the guys there.

"Okay you guys stay here and registered to be a new students I have to go to my class"

With that you left the office and walked to your class.

A/n: again im soooo verry sorry for the late update, anyway i hope you enjoyed the chapter. Next chapter you guys will go to classes sooo keep up with me and Thank you very muchh!

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