Chapter 6

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All the three Assassins were talking about something but you still confused with yourself.
Connor looked back at you and then rode beside you
" are you alright? You have been quiet from this morning.." he said. You looked up to him and tried to make a little smile
" yeah, im okay"
He shook his head " just try to keep up with us..."
You nodded.

The trip took 2 hours. You dismounted your horse, so did the three. You all stood afar from the Templar fortress. The fortress was like a big building with a statue that had a cross symbol on the chest.

" alright... everybody focus in this mission, Anthony has a full armored guards..and we have to be very careful..." Altair said and then continued " we have to split up. i am with Connor, [Y/N] with Ezio.."
Everyone nodded and went to different ways. You and Ezio went climbing up the building. On the buiding's roof you saw two guards from a distance, you hid behind a wall and got your throwing knife from it sheath. You took a deep breathe with your knife in your hand and you peek to the guard, then you held your throwing knife into the air.... then you threw it....Swoshh. The knife went trough the guard chest and fell down instantly, the other guard saw it and shocked, when he almost called for help.. Ezio assassinated him from the air.. You nodded as a thank.

The two of you came into the building, you saw two guys on the ground floor and some guards...
" that is Anthony... " Ezio whispered as he pointed his finger to the guy on the right, you nodded. Anthony and the other guy were talking, you two got closer to them so you can eavesdropping their conversation

"... i heard the Assassins were in this town and they are coming to kill you..." The other guy said with a little bit worried tone.

" Calm down brother..." Anthony said ' so... that is his brother....' you thought and Anthony spoke again
" nobody can kill me..." he smirked. You glanced to Ezio then he shook his and whispered " not yet... wait for the signal " you sighed. After a minute you heard a yell of pain outside the big door then a guard barged in and yelled " THE ASSASSINS!! They here!! They he-" he gasped and then fell down to the ground with an arrow on his back, you noticed that was connor's arrow.

" get ready..." Ezio whispered and you nodded once again. Later, you saw Altait and Connor came up, Anthony saw them to and said " ahh.. so this is the Assassins, eh? You are here assasinate me... but you made a foolish choice.." Altair and Connor didnt say anything. Anthony raised his hand then about 20 guards came up surrounding the two Assassins as he pulled up his sword.

Altair looked up and nodded to the two of you, with his signal you threw more throwing knifes to the guards and then the two of you air assassinated the guards that beside Altair and Connor. Anthony smirk's grew wider when he looked at you. " a women, eh? " he called. You shot him with a death glare. " this should be more fun.." he added.

Then he commanded his guard to attack you all and the fight begun. You slashed your sword to the guard stomach, so many blood poured on the floor. Anthony's brother was fighting with Connor, Ezio and Altair were busy with the guards untill you saw Anthony was getting away. You turned to Altair and he nodded.. with that you full your speed to Anthony.. he looked back to you and he chuckled. " still not giving up yet? how pathetic" he said as he pulled up his sword " you want to kill me? So be it.."
You said nothing but fought with him. He attacked you but you blocked it.. you fought him again and twisted his sword then his sword fell from his hand, with that you stroke him trough his chest then he fell on his knees " no.. i can't be defeated by....a woman.." he said " im not just an ordinary woman.." you spoke up.
" i just gonna say...if im gonna die.." he ssid as he inhale for his last breath, he yelled " you are coming with me!!! " he stabbed you on your stomach with his knife that you didnt notice and then fell to the ground. Dead.

You yelped in pain.. held your stomach and you felt liquid on your hand... it was blood, your vision started to blur. You heard someone called your name but you didnt know who it was, you fell on your knees and that was when you saw a figure.

Suddenly you felt someone grabed your shoulders and pick you up bridal style.
" just stay awake! " the figure said. You wanted to focus who was carrying you but it was no use. Your eyes started to feel heavy
" [y/n] ! " the figure called again as darkness came all over to you.

A/N : hi! Lol so what do you think of my story? Lol i dont know why i love wrote 'Lol'.. anyway thx again for read it
So yeah.. thats all for today
cya lol

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