Chapter 11

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You were still sitting on your bed deep in thought
' was it real? Was it all a dream? no it cant be.. i had the hidden blade, the compass and the could you say it was a dream? They must be real.. i know..'
You sighed, you didnt realized it was almost night. Tomorrow you had to go to school again and tomorrow was Monday
" ughh.. i hate Monday..." you mumbled
Then a minutes after you heard the front door downstairs had open nd closed.
" honeyy.. we're homee..."
Your mother yelled, you went downstairs and hugged your parents who looked very tired.
" mom.. dad.. i miss you.."
" sorry for being late kiddo, we had so many stuff to do " your father said as you nodded
" mom dad you look so tired, why don't you get some sleep 'caused it is night already to.. "
Your parents nodded and headed to their room.
' well.. i think i should get some sleep to.. i dont wanna late for school' you thought. You went to your bed and got some peaceful sleep.

-------In the morning-------
You woke up as you yawned and then looked at your clock ' oh shoot im late...' you quickly jumped out of your bed and took a quick bath, you wore your favorite hoodie and jeans then you grabbed your bag, phone and the compass " im not gonna leave the compass, it has to be safe " you mumbled, you ran downstairs and met your parents who were eating breakfast " looks like you are late for school " your dad said " yup " you replied as you got a toast of bread
" love you all... byee" you said as you kissed your mom and dad's cheek

You ran to your school as you ate your toast ' ughh im lucky that my school is near my house, if not well... im dead..' you thought

------- at school ------
You arrived at school 5 minutes before the bells rang, so you went to your locker to get some stuff, then you got the compass out, you thought for a second then sighed and you were interrupted by a familiar voice
" hey loser, what you got there?.." she said

' great, its thiffany again..' you thought. Thiffany is your bully more like enemy, she and her gang of her always bother you amd called you many names ugly, loser, worhtless, and else ( a/n: if your name is thiffany change it

" none of your business, thiffany " you yelled to her

" ohh harsh are we?..look whos talking guys..." she teased as she looked to her gang and they laughes at you

" leave me alone!!." you once again yelled as the bell rang

" see you later, you worhtless.. come along guys.." she said as she and her gang walked away, you sighed and put the compass on the other pocket because you put your iphone in the other one.

-------after school---------

School was freaking boring, you were walking out of the school's gate and holding the compass, your friend didnt come that day so you were alone and then thiffany and the gang showed up made you stop

"well well well... look whos here... its you again, ugly.." she said as she walked closer to you

" what do you want, b*tch?...." you growled

" first, whats with that stupid compass? Are you blind.." she said then she snachted it and laughed

"hey!! give it back..." you yelled trying to get the compass back as she continued

"second, nobody calls me that.."

" i can call you what ever i want, *ssh*le"

" lets teach you a lesson here..." with that she snaped her finger and her gang approached you ready to knock you out. Lucky you, you were an Assassin now and you know how to defend yourself. You got your position ready and one of them punched you but you block it easily. You fought them but you did not harm them and finally Thiffany fought you but she was too easy for you until she fell to the ground

" where did you learn all of this, you moron?" she growled in pain.

" my brothers teach me.... and i believe this is mine.." you answered her and got your compass back then she continued

" but you dont have any brothers..." she said confused, with her words you smirked widely.

" ohhh.. i do have now...." with that you walked away from her and towards went home. As you walked home you remember about your brothers. You missed them already but in a way you proud of what you did today.
' now that girl and her gang cant bother me anymore... thank you so much guys...' you thought as you looked up to the blue sky and you now tou know your life would be change that day

A/n: hey guys! Thx for reading my storyy and please tell me how it is lol btw im sorry for the bad language tho lol cause ik how it feels to be bullied lol, i have a fasting to do and its Ramadhan yay if you dont know what it is.. just forget it lol this is my story so far sorry if there is a mistake
Cya next time... thx

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