Chapter 26

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You woke up, gasping as you looked around and sighed. You got up from your bed and walked out, you smiled as you saw the trios snoring in the living room, sleeping soundly. You reached your kitchen and grab a cup of milk until you saw the backdoor of your house, that was when you felt a shiver run down your spine.

' tch probably Connor forgot to close the door' you shrugged off the feeling as you thought.

After you drank the milk you walked up to your bedroom again, you layed down and when you were about to close your eyes, you felt a cold metal on your throat. Then you heard a chuckling, "hey there beautiful, you should GO. TO. SLEEP." when you heard the familiar words, you quickly got up opening your eyes as you saw HIS face, his skin was pale white looking at you, you noticed that he doesn't had his eyelids and the smile carved wide to his cheeks. You jolted up and kicked him on his stomach as he stumbled off you. You got up and tried to get one of your throwing knife on your desk but when you were about to get it, you were tackled to the ground by Jeff.

"J-Jeff" you shuttered, not believing that he is real, " N-No Creepypasta aren't Real!" you shouted and that made him laughed.

" Oh dear, we are ALL real. Now why don't you go to sl-" before he managed to finish his sentence and slit your throat, you kicked him in the groin as he groan,

"you stupid lil' girl! Im going to kill you!" he yelled out as you got up taking the throwing knives with you.

He launched at you and was going to stab you, you tried to dodged him but with his inhuman speed he managed to stabbed you on your shoulder not deep but enough to make you bleed. You scream out in pain as you ran down the stairs. When you came down the stairs you saw the assassins standing there and holding their swords, they looked like they were about to go to your room.

You panted heavily as your shoulder bleed, you held your wounded shoulder.

"(y/n)! what happened?! We heard screaming" Connor said

"Your shoulder!" Altair shouted and pointed to your wound.

But before you could explain anything Jeff came down and looked over you and the others, Ezio quickly stood up in front of you so were behind the assassins as he unsheathed his hidden blade.

"who are you and what do you want?!" Ezio spitted venom at Jeff.

"oh nothing, I just doing my killing spree." He 'smiled' and continued, "I think I've gotten myself in the wrong house. Well Goodnight (y/n)" with that he ran out from the window.

Then Altair started to bombarding you with questions, you groaned in pain as Ezio ran to kitchen getting a bandage. He started to patch you up and you hissed. "im sorry (y/n)" he apologized and you shook your head. "i-its alright, its not like my first time anyway" you laughed awkwardly.

" who was that, (y/n)?" Altair asked.

You sighed, " it's hard to explain Altair.."

"we're here" Connor said softly.

You took a deep breathe and started explain to them while Ezio doing with your shoulder. When you were done Altair seemed like he was still confused,

"for short Altair, in 21Century there are rumors and stories about creatures crawling in the forest and we called them Creepypasta, I didn't know that they were really real. I mean they are just stories, myths and then that just happened. Then that was Jeff the killer, he's one of with the myths"

"well we will make sure that he will not come back but if he did.. I will not hesitate to put him down" Ezio growled and you shook your head,

" no Ezio, he's dangerous if you messed with him. He's not our 'kind' "

Ezio didn't respond back but he was grumbling something. You gently moved your arm and hissed again, " Ahh that will healed up in a week.. I think" you sighed and laid back on the couch. It was still 01:24Am. The boys were worried about you still and sat around you.

"we should've protect you... we are sorry"

"guys it's fine. I will be alright" you smiled softly.

They all nodded slowly, "you should stay here and rest while we are up"


"no putting up reasons (y/n) Connor is right. You should sleep here" said Altair

You sighed in defeat and nodded as you slowly laid down on the couch falling asleep quickly.

Third POV

As (y/n) asleep the assassins started to talking to each other quietly so they wouldn't wake you up,

" good thing she's asleep now" Altair said, " she keeps dealing with difficult situation"

Connor nodded in agreement, " that's true, she's been having through hard times"

"If this Jeff person is coming back I am going to make sure that he's going through the same pain like what he did to (y/n) and die by my hand" Ezio gritted his teeth together but Altair shook his head.

" you know revenge only cause nothing" Altair commented.

" well I'm not going to lose another person that I love and care" Ezio retorted back to the Syrian master assassin.

They all stayed up just for (y/n), to protect her. She is the most important person to them. Just like they used to take care of each other.

Normal POV

~~~~Next day~~~~

You woke up groaning as you looked around and slowly you up, you smelled something good and got up from the couch, that was when you felt a hand on your other shoulder. You flinched and looked over,

" Altair.. it's just you" you sighed.

" im sorry I didn't plan to startled you" he smiled at you and you smiled back before Altair continued, " Come Connor made something for us" he pulled out his hand for you to take and of course you took it gladly.

You stood up and walked to the kitchen only to saw Connor cooking,

" Connor? What are you making? "

He looked up to you and smiled, "Oh (y/n)! how wonderful, you woke up just in time. I made us a stew."

"where did you learn to make it?" you asked him and sat down on the chair.

"My homeland, my mother taught me how to make it" he said while putting the stew in a bowl, he picked it up and put it in front of you.

You grabbed a spoon and tried the stew, when you taste it your face lighted up "wow! This is so delicious, Connor. I've never taste a stew as good as yours. "

Connor's face darken in red and looked away from the others, " T-thank you, it's my pleasure to make you one"

Then the others sat down and started to eat the stew. 'Another day with the Assassins, next week they will start to go to school, I wonder what might happen.' You smiled to yourself when you thought about it.

" what's with the smile, (y/n)?" Ezio asked tilting his head to the side.

You looked at him, "huh? Oh nothing Ezio. Just thinking that you guys are going to school on Monday."

They all nodded and you started to explain how school works as you spent your time with the assassins.

Author's Note:

Sooo yea guys! That's it. Next chapter, the boys will go to the same school with you Yayyy! Oh and please tell me if you want any cross over like what I did with Jeff. I don't mind if you want to cross over it with Anime! Lol I hope you guys enjoyed this!


Just leave it in the comment if you wanna request something and I'll do my best to make it.

That's all from me thank you for reading my story

Comment and request!


Thank you!


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