Chapter 30

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(M/n) = Your mother's Name
(F/n) = Your father's name
Warning: This chapter contains torture.


Altair groaned when he felt someone shaking him by his shoulder, he opened his eyes to see Ezio.

"Ezio? What happened?" He asked as he sat up, he realized that he was in the kitchen then he remembered everything.

" (y/n)! is she okay?! and where's Connor?" he got up quickly and stumbled, almost fell to the floor again but luckly Ezio caught him.

"Easy, dont get up too quickly old man" Ezio chuckled before he continued "Connor is checking up on her"

As he said that Connor rushed into the kitchen, "I cant find her anywhere! Not under the bed not the closest! Her room was messed up, i only found this" He huffed while pulling out the compass.

"Someone must have looking for it, but didn't found it" Altair said.

"Merda(shit)" Ezio cursed under his breath as he put Altair's arm over his shoulder to support him.

=== In Some Place Far ===
You woke up in a dim room, looking around to found that you were dangling from the ceiling. Your hand was tied with chains that connected to the roof and your feet were also chained to the ground. You tried to tug at your arm but only caused you to grunted from the pain on your wrists.

You then saw a figure not far from you, you squinted your eyes to saw better who it was.
'its Peter! Connor was right' You growled in anger but then you noticed. Peter was chained to the wall! His face had bruises, you saw some dried blood on his arm and some new trickled down his mouth. You got horrified and worried as you saw him, "Peter! wake up!" you called at him. He looked up at you weakly, "(y/n), y-you're awake"

Just then, you heard a metal door slide open. Two heavy footsteps started to approach you, as they were close enough you could see who they were. Your eyes widen up and gasped, they, who stood before you, were your parents. You froze and found it hard to believe, not knowing how to react. They only chuckled after seeing your face.

" What's wrong, dear? you looked like you just seen a ghost " your 'mom' said, smirking down at you.

" n-no this.. this can't be true!" you cried out. You loved your family, you loved your parents, but all those time was a lie? How could they betray you?!

" oh it is, we faked our death and you believe it so easy!" Your dad laughed.

"but.. wh-why..? Why!?" You yelled at them in confusion and rage as some tears started to come out.

"Dont you dare use that tone to us!" Your mother slapped you hard causing you to yelped and winced then you asked again, "why..? what do you want?"

"All we wanted was the compass, dear (y/n). But we thought that it would be easier if we 'died'. You'd be busy mourning in our death" (F/n) chuckled again, "but no, those stupid assasins had to come here and ruined all of our plans-"

"What did you do to them!? and how can you know all of this" you cut him off while screamed but only getting slapped on the other cheek. Hard.

"I told you to not raise your voice. We all know, (y/n). Your grandfather made a huge mistake for leaving The templar side, to join that damn assassins. That's why you were chosen to have the compass, you are under his bloodlines" (F/n) explained. 'So the assassins are all real?' you thought to yourself.

There was silence in the room until (F/n) spoke up again, " we got this brat-" he pointed to Peter "to see what he knows about the compass, unfortunately he won’t do any talking, then we went to the house again to search in your room still not any sign of it, so here you are now" He smirked.

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