Chapter 34

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A/n: I know i know, i suck at updating fast xD forgive me but hey I'll always update even after a long time But now i done it so here is chapter 34. Enjoy!

Connor gripped his crowsbow tightly in his hands, targeting the dummy in front of him.  He let out a breath then held it in before letting the arrow go.



The arrow was now stuck into the skull of the dummy right on the forehead. He smiled to himself then turned his head around to see Altait and Ezio having a duel, with a stick or wooden sword. When Connor tried to approached them before a slim knive went right beside his eye, he froze in shock before looking back at the knive which stab to the wall then looked where it came from. Peter.

"Dont ever let your guard down" Peter grinned as he got himself into his position.

Connor nodded and got ready too, putting a fist in frint of him and one arm on his side. Peter sprinted at Connor, he threw a punch but connor was ready. He lifted up his arm to block the punch, he smirk but the Peter kicked him on torso. Connor got flipped back and grunt, 'alright bring it on, peter'

Peter glee in victory as he helped connor up but when he did Peter was tackled to the groun as Connor turned him around, turning his arm against his back, making it painful.

"Ow oww okay! You winn!" Peter yelp in defeat, Connor laughed and let go of his arm then Peter stood up. He brushed himself off as he gave two thumbs on connor, "Geat job! Now lets go, lets pratice on the weapons"

As the two were off to try the guns in the shooting area, Ezio fell down to the ground with his wooden-sword fell right beside him.

"Merda(damn) No wonder you are called Master assassin, you're good" Ezio cursed as a hand stretched put towards him so he can get up, Ezio took it gladly and faced the syrian master.

"You are also good my brother, with us practicing like this im sure you can defeat anyone" Altair smiled and pat Ezio's back.

"Si, i sure will, oh how i missed (y/n)." He frowned which made Altair frowned too.

"Worry not Ezio. We will save her and take her back home safely"

"Right, you know fratello(brother) despite everything i dont think i want to get back home to our real time"

Altair nodded in agreement, "Lets not talked about that, now is not the time, lets join Peter and Connor"

"Arent they in the shooting area just now? "

"indeed lets go pick up the weapons we like"

"Sí lets go"

With that both of the assassins went out and started their training.

===== Later that day ===== [ Third  POV]

For only 2 agonizing days (y/n) was kept in the basement, yet she felt like she was kept for months. She was still tied up on the bloody chair, well her blood exactly. She even could barely move, everytime she tried to move an inch she winced. Pain. Pain was all she knew. Her ribs was visible on her skin, showing that she hadn't eaten for the past few days. She was unable to fight back. Two figures stood in front of her, her parents.

"Well well its been two days and they didnt really came,  how pity. I thought making you as the bait , they would surrender" the female said.

"worry not dear, if they come. Our forces will be ready to end them all after they give us the eden." her husband smirked wickedly.

"you bastards will not lay your flithy hands on them!" The poor girl said while she struggled in her tued up situation.

Her father only chuckled as he ignored her retorts, "we're gonna make you watch them die one by one, painfully. That will show you your place and break your mind, then we'll have the power to use you again"

"F*ck off! you-!" She jolt before she could finish her sentence. Another electricity ran through her, when it stops she panted tiredly and looked down.

"oh my, what a foul word you spoke there, we might just kill you right now you know"

"just stop... please.. dont do this.." (y/n) mumbled weakly.


The door behind them slammed open revealing four figures, her eyes trailed to each one of them and felt glad that Peter was alright.

"Let her go and we won't kill you" The familiar syrian voice caught by (y/n), making her slightly relieved but worried in same way.

"N-no! what are you guys doing here?! Get out!!" She tried to warned them, none of them moved.

"I see you're finnaly here, assassin's. Oh? i see that the pipsqueak came here to help too" Her father said, stating pipsqueak to Peter who glared at the older male. Before the four boys could launch at the parents, (y/n)'s father pushed a button and suddenly armored thugs came in, about 15 to 20 people.

They started to attack at the four male who fought them back,

"No!!" (y/n) screamed as she struggled aimlessly as she watched the assassins tried to fought back. True to her father's word, each one of them fell to their knees over powered. Ezio was shot on his shouler and Altair was stabbed on his leg. The rest got bruised and slashed on the sides amd chests.

The older male with his wife only watched and laughed at their misery. Each of them was held down by their knees, arms behind their back. (y/n)'s mother tossed a gun to her husband and he pointed to Altair's head who growled and struggled. Connor was keeping a straight face and Ezio. Her father glancet at her daughter who had tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Please father... Dont.. Let them go and have me please!"

"Like i told you, they will die one by one and you get to watch them"


A strangled cry rang out the room.






To be continued :)

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