Chapter 17

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Connor woke up by bumpy ground, he sat up slowly and realized that he was in a jail cart which drawn by two horses, he started to remembering what had happen ' [y/n]! where is she?!' he thought as he studied his surrounding, there was two guards driving the cart and they were talking about something, so he listened their conversation

" ... so we have to bring him to the prison, correct?.."  The first guard said

" yes.." replied the second

" what about the girl?.. "

" the woman Assassin?.. i heard that she is being held in the templar fortress back there.. " the second replied.
Connor growled quietly , hearing you being held there. He noticed that his weapons was gone ' the guards must have it' he thought, luckily he had his tool to open the door lock in his boot. So he took it out and stealthy unlock the padlock.

After it was unlocked he slowly climbed up on the cage and crawl up to the front driving seat,  he crawl slowly behind the guards, before they know it Connor broke the guard's neck and pushed the other one off the driving seat.
He then took one of the horse and took off the the connector from the horses to the cart. Fortunately, the way that the guards took was the same way to the place that the Assassins took you so he instantly rode off to the hideout.

****In The Hideout****

" where are they?? they are  supposed to be back now!" The master Assassin grumbled.

" patience Altair.. maybe they are still hunting out there " replied Ezio who tried to calm him down.

" i just have a bad feeling and i'm worry about [y/n] "

In the middle of the conversation, the main door burst opened, alerting the two Assassin's as someone ran in towards them.

" Connor?? "

" Please we need to hurry, [y/n] is captured in the templar fortress.." Connor said, with a concern look on his face.

" what?! " Both assassins shouted

" we got ambushed and they took her.." Connor tried to explain.

Altair growled, " i should have trusted my arse.."

" we must hurry then! " The italian assassin shouted out.

" but they will be expecting us to come, she is now a bait for us to come " Connor said.

Altair grumbled and said, " No! We will go there now! No matter what.."

Ezio nodded in agreement, " sí, lets get going then "

Authors Note:
Hai guys! Sorry I haven't been updating for a long time but here is Chapter 17 ta da~. Meh.. I hope you guys enjoy it sooo ya. Again im sorry
Vote.. I guess
And cya~

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