Chapter 29

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A/N: Alright guys im back im sorry I haven't been updating for who knows how long please forgive mehhh ^-^ soooo without further a do lets get to the chapy and enjoyyy!

It's been 4 days since you encountered with the thugs. Your injuries was already healed up and you finally had your summer holiday. These past few days you kept thinking on how could they know the assassins. Could it possibly be Peter? Maybe he told someone? No, he promised you right? As you thought that through yourself, you huffed in annoyance when a sudden pat on your right shoulder made you jump slightly on your seat. You whipped your head to looked who it was which was of course, Ezio. He kept worrying about you since that incident.
"Sorry (y/n) I didn't mean to startled you, but you shouldn't beat yourself up like this." He said in a concerned voice.
You kept silent and looked down to the floor,
" I know im sorry. Im just trying to figure out who told those guys"
You then heard a growl from Connor, "probably that Peter guy who you call a friend" you shook your head.
"Connor is right, it is probably Peter. He's been gone for 5 days since the last time we saw him" Altair say in agreement.
"but we can't just make up a fact that quick, do you have proof?...No " You try to convince them, well you trust Peter. And he won't break your promise, will he?

== Time Skip ==

The four of you were watching yet another horror movie, but at your home. You were watching The conjuring 2 again, where Valak was getting behind the painting then when jumpscare came out.
" EEK!" you heard a girlish scream coming from Altair. You looked over to him and give him a look like ' Alty wtf?' then you laugh as Connor jump out the couch. Like laterally.
"my goodness Altair, your scream scared me 0-0 " Connor said as he got back on the couch.

After the movie, you decided to open up Wikipedia about Creepypastas because Ezio insisted you to tell him who Jeff the killer was and spending the rest of the day, hearing Connor's plans about going to the forest to meet this 'faceless man' called Slenderman. You were going to tell him that it was just a myth but ever since you 'met' Jeff by yourself, you began to doubt it. Little did you know, two guys were watching you from your window, hiding in the shadows.

Surprisingly on the next day, you really did went on adventure through the nearest forest on your town. Well execpt you weren't looking for the Slenderman, instead you were having a trip with them. So you brought your picnic basket with you. The guys were excited to go out. As you walked through the forest, you started to remember your time back in their era

== Flashbacks ==

Ezio started to walking with Altair and then spoke up..
" look!! There is bear a cross the river.." then Altair quickly looked where Ezio pointing at
" i dont see anything.."
" oh.. ok then " as Ezio smiled
" brother.. what are you planning to do..? " he suspiciously.
" i am doing nothing..."
Altair sighed and Ezio continued
" brother.. i have one more thing to say.." he looked up to Ezio " hmm..? " he hummed
" sink or swim.." within a second Ezio pushed Altair into the river " gahhhhh... elppp... "

You, Connor and Ezio brusted out laughing
" che diavolo(what the hell), Altair? Its just water and its around to your chest " then Altair froze and stood for a while but still in the river as he looked up to Ezio with a death look.
" uh-oh..Ezio you better for your life now. " you said as Altair started to chased Ezio " ahhhh!" he yelled then you and Connor laughed more harder.
' this is another a best day of my life..' you thought.

== End of Flashback ==

You began to smile as it played again in your mind, chuckling slightly which caused Connor to asked you,

" What are you thinking, (y/n)?" 

 " Hm? oh! nothing Connor, i was just remembered the time you guys brought me to that river " You explained to him.

" Ah! yes, what a wonderful moment that day" He chuckled and smiled.

You finally found the perfect spot to set up your picnic carpet and coincidentally it was near a lake. You sat down as you started giving your (fav. food for snack like pancakes/cake etc) to everyone. After you finished the snack, Ezio was  hanging upside down from the nearest tree and swinging back and foward while Altair tried to take him down as he sighed in annoyance because of Ezio's childish act.

" Ezio get down you're going to hurt yourself " Altair warned him in a frustrated voice as you and Connor watched them, still sat on the ground while you chatted with Connor. Then a loud 'thud' can be heard, you tought that it was Ezio but it wasn't. You turned your head to Ezio who was still hanging but everyone went quiet.

" You guys heard that? " You ask quietly causing the Assassins to nodded in response. You looked around the bushes and trees but nothing was there while Ezio climbed down from the tree.

" maybe it was an animal.." He said, looking through out the forest " Lets just get home, its almost late " He finished. All of you agreed as you started to pack your stuff and basket.

==Time Skip==
You sighed and smiled as you got home, tossing the basket to the kitchen counter then sat down on the couch. Connor sat down beside you and turned on the tv.

"Man that was fun!" Ezio claimed and laughed, walking inside with Altair trailed behind him. Ezio nudge him which annoyed Altair a bit.

" Yes yes that was fun " He said but then smiling.

You giggled as you watched the two then yawned, " Well guys its pretty late so im gonna go to bed, plus you all need to rest too" you got up and started walking upstairs while waving at the boys.

After awhile later, you cleaned up and changed your clothes. Hopping on the bed, you went to sleep while curling up in your blanket.

== Meanwhile ==

Ezio was sitting on the couch with connor watching a movie while Altair waited in kitchen for the popcorn. He literally watched the microwave, still amazed by the nowadays things.

Then all of in sudden, a can got thrown in from the windows and started to letting out a smoke. The assassins got up, alerted by the smoke, they gathered around but there was no time untill they all collapsed. It was a sleeping gas!  Altair was in the kitchen, trying hard to not passed out but he slowly fall to the ground. The last thing he saw was a smirking man stood by him, the man kicked Altair on the head to finish the job.

Footsteps can be heard from the stairs but you were still sleeping soundly, not noticing a tiny bit of what happened.


The sound of your bedroom door made you shift in your sleep, the man slowly crept towards you. He lowered his head as he started to whispered in your ears, " (y/n)..." he called over and over again.

You fluttered your eyes open, "h-huh?" you look up to see a shadow of a man. You screamed but you felt a cloth over your mouth and the pressure of the mans hand. You tossed and kicked, smelling the chemical as you start to get sleepy. You heard the man's laugh,  " Hush now, its alright " he whispered again in your ear causing you to shivered as you went deeper and deeper untill you went unconscious.

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