Chapter 3

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The next morning you got bored and you decided to go up to the tower, up in the tower you can see the whole city there. ' i wish i can bring my family and my friends here... Its so beautiful...' you lost in thought and then Ezio came up " its beautiful up here, am i right bella? "
his voice brought you back in reality " yes it is Ezio " you said and smiled, but then that smile faded away.
Ezio saw your expression
" tell me, whats bothering you..? " he asked looking at you. You sigh and said " my family... friends.. I miss them much..."

" i wish i could bring you back to your time somehow"
He said and patted you shoulder " i appreciate that Ezio but i am also happy being in here too with my brothers.." you told him and your smile came back " we are really happy to have you to...dear sister" he spoke as he looking back at the view.

There was a silent moment for a while as the sun is rise and then Ezio asked you
" do you wanna partice with me? "
"Sure that will be fun..maybe Connor and Altair already woke up..." you answered and he nodded.

The two of you get down of the tower with the Leap of Faith, then you go to the practice room in the hideout
" get your sword and take your position ready" Ezio ordered and you nodded.

You get your sword and get ready to fight him, you saw Ezio did the same. When you were ready Clash The sound of two swords fighting.
You swung your sword to him but he managed to blocked it, he then swipe his sword to you and you dodge, you kept fighting and fighting. " focus [y/n] focus on your enemy's movement..." Ezio said. You kept your balance so you didnt fall to the ground, but you failed you land to the ground hardly as Connor and Altair showed up " well.... Looks like someone didnt invite us to a party.. " Connor said and you saw a smirk on Altair's face, you stood up and said
" you can join us.. we just get started.."

You and the three Assassins fighting each other, you tried to blocked their attacks, then when it was done you asked Connor
" hey Connor... "
" hmmm..? "
" Can you teach me how to use a bow? "
He smirked "yes, of course!" he said and continued " i will teach you in this afternoon. " you thanked him.

You were gonna go to a market at the town when Altair stopped you before you got out of the hideout
" where do you think you're going?... " he said
" i want to go to a market... i wont be long...." you answered him, you heard a sigh from him as he said
" very well then.. you can go... " he said and moved out from your way, you thanked him as he continued " but stay out from trouble... "
" i will...Altair "
He nodded, you took you hood up and walked out from the hideout

At the market you bought some bread and stuff. You walked trough the market carefully, you didtlnt want some guards saw you, then you bought yourself a bow and arrows as you remember Connor would train you how to use it.

After you walking around the market you decided to go back to the hideout, a guards passed by and you didnt notice them, one of them saw you and yelled
" Assassin!! Its the Assassin...!! "
His voices made you jump
' not again.....' you ran faster than before and climb up some building, after a while you lost them
' thank god im faster than before '
You walked in the hideout and you saw Altair, Ezio, Connor were talking about something Altair saw you " you cannot get yourself out of trouble, can you?... " he said
" im sorry.. i didnt know... i promise i will be more careful." you apologized
" well its good to have some experience... " Ezio added as he let out a chukle, and then you gave them some bread that you bought " its not much but its still eat it..." you said and they thanked you.
After a couple of minutes Connor walked up to you and asked " do you wish me to train you how to use a bow?... "
" i thought you would forget it..." you said
" no, i would not. shall we, dear sister? "
" Yes of course "

Author notes:
Hey its me again sorry it took so long
Anyway thanks for reading my story, hope you enjoy it i will write the next chapter soon ok so...
Comment and thx
See ya later....

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