Chapter 33

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A/N: i know i said there would be quick update i got distracted and frustrated of school but anyway here is the chapt hope you enjoy it!


"rock and roll" Peter said.

===== Half hour later =====

"Guys cmon!" Peter exclaimed.

Connor gave The Eden to Peter then the assassins gathered up in the living room, peter raised his eyebrow as he looked over their weapons. Swords, a bow and axe.

" seriously guys? You just have those?" Peter sighed.

"what do you expect? these are all we got and our hidden blade"

"not quite" Peter smirked and continued, "we're going to go a little shopping"

Later on Peter drove his car, " where are we going? " Altair asked causing Peter to chuckled and then stopped the car in front of a building. There was a board hanging from above the ceiling, it read, Smiditch's Weaponry (is that how you spelled it? forgive me if im wrong :v) shop, and there was a pirate flag beside it.

"I dont think we should be in there Peter" Connor warned when he noticed the flag.

Peter shook his head and smirked,
"Nah trust me, its safe"

Peter lead them inside, not even a step inside the assassins already gawking in awe, the wall was full of weapons. Guns, crossbows, even the mele weapons and explosives.

" Craig! Code Black, now!" Peter shouted and a man who was bald and was smoking his cigarette, nodded. He started to shout to the other members at the store. They locked the entrance and shut down the window closed.

"Peter! long time no see lad!" A man with black hair and taller than Peter, his age was around 30ish by the look, came out from the back door.

"No chit chat, i need my usuals and i need them now!"

"how's yar' father? hm? anywords from 'im?"

Peter sighed, "he's well and i told you that he quit from the organization so thats that"

"heh tough 's always, i like ya' kiddo. Anyway what do ya' need?"

"Like i said the usuals and im not a kid anymore" He said then turning to introduce him to the assassins "Guys this is Giardo Smiditch or G, he's my father's closest friend, well he's more like my uncle"

"aww kiddo ya' dont hav' to be sweet" The man, Giardo, chuckled.

"shut it" Peter sigh again in annoyance. Giardo chuckled again and raised his hands up, he shouted at his mens who brought him a FN-f2000 (type of a riffle), a slung of grenades where you put them around your shoulder or waist, and dual pistols/revolver.

Peter turned to the assassins again who were still stood there gazing at the decorated-weapons wall.

"Choose which ever you want, oh and give them your hidden blades, they'll fix and re new it" Peter smiled.

The assassins nodded and took off there hidden blade, Ezio gave out first and Giardo took it as he started studying it.

"Impresive, its a bit old but I'll make it better" Giardo said with a grin plastered on his face. After that he took all the hidden blades to the back, to fixed them.

"Sebastian! Help me out 'ere!" G called from the door as another man, who wore a black suit, followed behind him.

Then not long after that, a 5 year-old  brunette girl came out while holding a teddy bear. She tilted her head to the side as she looked at peter.

"Pettew?" She called and Peter looked over to her.

"Mia! i missed you little one!" Peter smiled and pick the small girl hugging her as he put her down again. "how are you, hm?"

"Pwettew! me ish good! And daddy always pways with me. We missed chu two!" She giggled before looking at the assassins, "who are they, pettew?"

"Hm? oh this is my friends! This is Connor-" He pointed at Connor who smiled warmly and shook the little girl's tiny hand, "Greetings, little one" "-this is Ezio" Ezio came foward and gently put a small flower (from who knows where) on her ear causing Mia to giggled "such a cute ragazza(girl)! you remind me of my sister" "and this is Altair". The syrian master smiled also kneeling down in front of her and opened up his palm at her and Mia put her hand on his as of they were doing a  high five. "Guys this is Mia she is my little sister, well not really i mean she is Giardo's daughter and i used to take care of her" Peter explained as Mia held his hand.

=== A few moments later ===

"So what's the plan?" Ezio asked and the others sat down on a chair with a rounded table in front of them. Mia was sitting on Peter's lap and played with her stuffed animal.

"First , we'll keep their words. We bring the eden to the-" Peter was trying to explain until Altair cut hum off,

"WHAT?! No we cant do that! you know its a tra-"

"Calm down! We're not going give it them technically. Alright, hear me out.." He trailed off and told them.

===== Back To You (warning: torture up ahead) =====

You gasped for air heavily. You were still tied up on the damned chair but it was hanging above a large tube that filled with water. You coughed violently, spilling out the water in the process but before you could take a deep breath the chair fell down into the water with you strapped on the chair, struggling in vain.

Your lungs burned and you shook your head right where you were in the verge of passing out the chair got pulled out. But before you could even breath in another air, you got sunked down again. This went over and over for almost half an hour, when they were done you were almost lost your sanity.

They dropped you to the ground off from the chair, not caring if they did hurt you. You let out a small groan when you fell on your side and your body still dripping off the water. Then you hear foot steps came towards and that someone kneeled down infront of you as that someone move your chin to look up.

"Just give in dear~ they wont come here to save you, you're only a burden to them" All the familiar voice cooed in your earw which made you shudder and had goosebumps. You tried to shook your head but you couldnt feel anything, the only thing you could feel was the numbness and the cold all over your body.

When they got no answer from you they beat you up then you left alone in the dark, shivering in vicious cold air.

'help... please i cant take it anymore' You thought as you stared up into the gray ceiling.

==== Back to the guys ====

Giardo was secretly listening to their plan. Then he came towards to the boys, placing his arm on Peter's shoulder

"So! i heard that you're going on about rescuing this las name, (y/n). Did Peter finally find his true love?" G smirked. Peter on the other hand was flushing in red.

"w-w-what! no no! sh-shes just a good friend of mine!" He shuttered while the red tint still painted on his cheeks and face. Little did G knows, all of the boys had a crush on the same girl.

"Oh by the way your blades are ready, they gave you 2 days right? You still have tomorrow, go practice and rest up for now. Its no use if you get there with no energy." Giardo suggested as he fade away to the back room.

Peter sighed and calmed himself down then got up from his seat,

"alright then. As much as i want (y/n) to be back we cant yet. G is right, they are more powerful. We need to take a rest" Peter said sadly and the other couldnt do anything but agreed.

'(y/n) please hang on. We're going to get you back.'

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