Chapter 35

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(A/N): Heya! Thank you so much for waiting the updates patiently ^^ i really appriciate it and Thank you all for reading this! Im so happy. Anyway here's the chapter and im sorry if im rusty at my grammar and English. Please understand ^^
Thank you! and Enjoy!


(f/n) : Father's name
(m/n): Mother's name

(Or you could make up a name o.o i dont mean to make your parents sound bad, This is just An Imaginary)


"Please father... Dont..! Let them go and have me please!"

"Like i told you, they will die one by one and you get to watch them"


A strangled cry rang out the room.

Altair was closing his eyes but he didnt feel any pain instead he geard a thud just right in front of him, it was the body of (y/n)'s father. He was clucthing his leg, grunting in agony as blood started to make their own puddle on the ground. (m/n) quickly strode off to him trying to help him up.

"Wh-what?! How dare you!!" she screamed while her husband bleeds, she looked up to see who fired the gun.

(Y/n) was silent and shocked then she looked over to see who it was. She saw one of her dad's hired man holding the gun, he open his mask revealing Giardo himself. She looked confused at first but thought that he was the good guy.

"So this is the lass you've been trying to rescue?" He grinned who was looking at Peter. Peter's face lighted up and smiled.


G nodded and whistled as more men came in, carrying gun and pointed their guns at (f/n)'s men and his wife. Then chaos started. 

Then G and his other men freed (y/n) and the others, G helped her to stood up since she had less energy. But! G was always ready, he took out an adrenaline shot and gave it to (y/n). Then Girado gave her a (insert any weapon). (y/n) slashed/shot/stabbed on the enemies as the other ran to her side.

After battle, (f/n)'s men were losing and soon they gave up. She glanced at her mother who glared at her while helping her husband to stand up,

"You'll pay for this (y/n)! All of you will pay!" She yelled as she hugged her husband close to her. (f/n) could only glared at his daughter and groaned in pain.

(y/n) dropped her weapon as she ran towards her friends, she tackle-hugged(is that even a thing? :/) them who gladly returned the hug.

"im glad you're all okay"  She smiled as the four returned her hug.

G smiled looking at them, "C'mon lets go home, our mission here is done oh and (y/n) What do you want to do to them?"

(y/n) looked at them, a pang of guilt hit her a bit then she looked over to Giardo,
"j-just turn them to the police, tell them what they did"  

With that Giardo nodded as he called the police but then before he could do another action, (f/n) pulled out a small pistol and aimed at (y/n).


(Y/n)'s POV

I smiled feeling glad that Peter and the trio were finally safe. I was just about to ask them buti heard a scream.

"(Y/N) WATCH OUT!!" i heard before turning my head around, it was all like in slow motion i saw my father was aiming his gun at me and about to pulled the trigger. I closed my eyes, preparing myself for the pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2018 ⏰

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