Chapter 2

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" would you like to come to our hideout? And stay with us until you back to your time again..?" Ezio questioned which made you froze.
"It will be my pleasure.." you said as you smiled and all the assassin smiled.
" shal we? " Altair asked and you nodded

***** In the hideout *****
' I can't believe I'm in their hideout and i can't believe they really exsist!! Maybe it's just a dream... but when will i wake up?? '
you thought as you pinched yourself ' ow! Okay that hurt... which mean i am not dreaming... im really stuck in the game ' you lost in thought, Ezio walked up to you " what's in your mind, bella signora? " He asked.
" i dont know Ezio....i dont know.." you said.

Altair walked up to you and asked " you do not have a place to live in, am i correct? "
And you nodded, he continued again " very well then, we welcome you here, you can stay here in the hideout with us and we can teach you to be one of us if you like.." you was shocked and don't know what to say " a-are y-you serious..?" You asked to them, then Ezio chuckle
" yes tesoro, we are serious" He said.
" i would love to join and stay with you... " you said confidently and they all smirk at you

***A couple month later***

It'd been two month since you got back in time. And you had become an assassin, one of them and on of the creed. They taught you patiently. They taught you how to hunt, to survive, to fight and all the skills. You may not have an eagle vision like the other Assassins, but Altair said
" Everyone can be an Assassin, even when they do not have an Eagle vision".
So.. there you were now with them and they welcome you here. You trusted them and they trusted you. They started to call you ' sister ' and you started to call them ' brother '.
Sometimes you remember your family and your friends. Will they worried about you? What will they said when you gone for a long time? They must be looking for you, but you still think this is a dream.

One day you and the Assassins were messing with the guards but Altair stayed in the hideout, busy with himself. When you were fighting with the guards, you saw connor fell to the ground ' time to save him.....'
You thought then you quickly finished the guards off and helpes Connor to get up. " are you alright ?" you asked him " yes i am...maybe just a scratch, thank you dear sister " he said " save your thank later, now we have finish this " you told him. As you help him to get up, you and Connor saw Ezio was still busy with the guards " I think someone didn't invite us to a party, eh?" Connor said with a smirk on his face, then you join with Ezio.

Afterwards, you and the Assassins headed to the hideout. In the middle of the way Connor spoke up
" remember when we all first met you...." you nodded and he continued " you have my apology for not believing in you " you smiled and said "no need to apologies, i'm the one who should do that 'cause i called you idiot back then.." Ezio laughed and he spoke " you are wise, tesoro. I like that part of you.." you blushed and look away from his eye contact " let us go back to the hideout quickly and clean you both up" you offered, " indeed.." Connor agreed.

When we arrived at the hideout, Altair saw us and he approached you " what happened? " he asked " we just had a dance with those guards..." you explained and Ezio chuckled. Altair shook his head and said " you should not do that..."
" we were actually having fun with our sister, right brother..? " Connor said and Ezio nodded
Altair let out a sigh " very well then.... bring him to the room and healed up " he ordered, you nodded.
When Connor wanted to go to the room, you saw blood running down from Connor's arm " Connor... your bleeding.." you called him and he said " it's nothing..."
"Nothing?? are you serious? its getting worse.. " you snapped " [y/n]..a friend of mine is a doctor, bring him here" Altair ordered again and you quickly brought the doctor in. The three of you wait for connor and Altair started asking question
" so... how is future like?.."

" ahh the future Altair... i miss it very much.. in the future... we have a better technology, more better transportation like cars, train, airplane and much more..." you explained him.
" what is an airplane? " Altair asked again with a confused look, you almost laugh but you hold it " an air plane is a transportation and its on the sky..." you told him " you mean like the flying machine that made by Leonardo Da Vinci.." Ezio joined. " yes Ezio...but it can take more than one people " you answered him and continued " anyway, in the future there is more unique food. Man, you don't know how much i miss it.." you said as you imagine the taste of the foods and you explained more about the future.

After a while Connor comes up and the doctor was behind him. " Connor! good to see you cleaned up, thanks for the doctor " Ezio shout and Altair talk to the doctor " thank you my friend " he said " Anytime Altair " the doctor replied as he walked off.
" be safe " Altair added to him " i will "

" Connor get some rest... that wound is still healing up " you said to him and he nodded

Author notes :
Thanks for reading the story, i hope you enjoy it
And still i made this just for fun
Comment if theres somethings wrong

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