Chapter 19

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You pulled out your sword and got ready to take down the assassins, although you didn't realize what you were doing. You were controlled by him.

" [y/n]! Snap out of it! it's us! " Ezio tried to call you and tried snapping you out of the trance, only causing Daniel to chuckled.

" she can't hear you, you fool. She is under my control now.. Nothing can stop me now " he said proudly.

Altair growled at him, wishing that he could stab Daniel in the chest.

Readers P.O.V

I was walking into a dark hallway, i kept walking and walking. I heard my name being called and so i followed that. The voices were calling my name leading me to room which only had a window. I walked to see it and gapped in shock, there i saw myself fighting agains Altair, Ezio and Connor.

" No! "

i banged at the window to break it but it seemed that way the glass is unbreakable...

Normal POV

Daniel called for more guards as you clashing your sword at Altair but he just dodged or blocked your attacks, he couldn't dare to fight you. Connor and Ezio were killing the guards but one of the guards tried to attack Altair, and of course Altair knew so he quickly kill him. On the other hand, you were ready to knocked Altair down...

what happen next?
will Altair die by your hand?
find out soon...

Authors Note:

Soooo sorry its really short but how was it? I've been busy latelyi hope you enjoy it! and special thanks to @emily_sparda1998 for voting my chapterss!!
anyway is there any requests?
if there's please comment!
so cya later
suggest and comment!

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