Chapter 12

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You open the front door of your house and shouted happily
" mom dad im homee..." you barged in and locked the door, then you called your parents once again
"Mom?" You went to the kitchen and you saw a little note on the fridge, you pick it up and read it

Dear [y/n],
your father and i have a work to do and we might home late again.. so stay out from trouble ok... and do your homework honey..
Love you..

P.s: i made your food and i put it on the table.. take care..

Love mom

' oke dokie mom.. and im home alone again..' you thought as you sighed. Next thing you did, you approached the table and saw pancakes on a plate
" yay.. pancakes.. i miss you very much....thank you mom.. you're the best hehe" you said to yourself
( if you dont like pancakes, pretend it k lol)
You grabbed the pancakes and sat on a couch which was in front of the tv. Turned on the Tv as you ate the pancakes, you were watching [favorite movie].

You spent your time at home watching tv, took a shower and then about 6 pm you went to your bedroom and started to do your homework. After felt like hours of doing your homework, you decided to text your best friend

------- Conversation -------

You: hey, how are you? Why didnt you came to school today?

Your friend: sorry [y/n], i didnt feel so good today...

You: awww but i miss you.. ok i hope you get well soon..

Your friend: yeah thx, anyway how's school?..

You: you are not gonna believe this... today i beat thiffany and her gangs :D...

Your friend: no shiz sherlock.. the famous girl in the school.. you must be joking...XD

You: i know right... i finally beat 'em

Your friend: good for you.... And now we dont have to be scared of her ever again...

You: hehe.. have done your homework yet..?

Your friend: working on it but almost finish..

You: oh ok, good luck with that... im gonna get some sleep k

Your friend: k.. sweet dreams..

You: you too...

----- End of Conversation -----

After that you changed your clothes to your pajamas and headed to bed, then got some peaceful sleep.

------ time skip -------

One week passed since you were back home, lately thiffany stopped bullying you but she was still has a revenge for what you did last time. Lately you had been studying the Compass again, and it was still had the ability to control people's mind. You went to a park near your house after school and sat on a bench which was on the park, you sat there tried to focus on the Compass, then you saw a man across you then you closed your eyes as you held the Compass. You tried to control the man's mind and so you did.

You spoke in your mind to command him ' i command you to pick up some flower beside you and bring it to me...' with that the man stood up and did what you told him. ' wow this is so cool... Altair was right..this is have to be on the right hand.. if its in the hand of the people who wants to rule the world.. well... screw life...Nothing is true Everything is permitted.. i will not forget those sentence' you thought then you uncontrolled him
" what.. what just happen? how did i get here?.." the man asked

" uhh.. you just walked to here.. and stopped for some reason.." you lied

"but i dont remember that.."

" maybe you walked here but didnt realized it.. "

" yeah maybe... im sorry.. my name is Peter by the way"

" nice to meet you, peter im [y/n] "

" yeah you too, i have to go.. see you next time.."

" bye "

'so Peter doesnt remember what he just did.. hmm interesting.. ' you thought
and started to head home.

The next day, you went to school and meet you bff on the way there.
" Hey [y/n] whats up? "

" nothing much, you? "

" same.. hey do you have a history schedule after tje break today?.."

" yea why? "

" well i have to and we are in the same class yay!! "

" yeah its cool.. But history is my weakness haha.. i dont like history that much"

" aww come on you will like it.. I know its boring but cheer up.. what could possibly go wrong...? "

" yea you're right.. "

Then she smiled, we walked to school together and we made just right on time when the bell rang

" see you later.. [y/n].."
" yeah see ya.."
with that you and your friend went to a different class. You went to the math class and your bff went to the biology class. You saw Thiffany entered the same class with you ' great just great ' you thought as Thiffany sat on left behind your seat ' why did she took the seat near me..?'

The math class had started and you began to confused by the math..
You studied math but you felt something
' something wrong is going to happen... i know' you thought not really paying attention to the class
The feeling was getting stronger but you shruged it of.
' something bad is going to happen'

a/n: hey whats up? im sorry guys i took this too long. how long was it? day, months lol jk ok so thats it the story whT do you think lol? amyway thx guys for read my stroy. I maybe will put some POV on the next chapet.. tell me you suggestion k..
vote.. lol
srry if there is a typo lol

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